1) Brothers - 0
2) Sisters - 1
3) Kids:3
4) Surgeries: several
5) Tattoos: 0
6) Piercings: do ears count?
7) Been to an island- Yes
8) Flown on a Plane- Yes
9) Ridden in an ambulance- Yes
10) Ice skate- Yes
11) Been on a Cruise- Yes
12) Ridden a motorcycle- Yes
(Snap !! Judi to the 6 above)
13) Held a gun - No (only in my mind when someone REALLY gets me wound up !)
14) Ridden on a horse - Yes
15) Ridden in a police car- No
16) Stayed in a hospital- Yes,
17) Eye Color- Blue
18) Last phone call - neighbour
19) Coffee- Yes instant and constant
20) Favorite pie - any as long as there's lots of pastry
21) Favorite dog- someone else's, as I'm allergic
22) Favorite season- Summer and hot
23) Favorite holiday - Botswana
24) Favorite sport: sport - what's that ????
25) Ever been handcuffed- No - I feel I may have missed something
26) Favorite fruit- Bananas
27) Favorite color- Orange
28) Can you drive a tractor? yes - sure I can- never tried - (Really Judi - make sure I'm in the next field first before starting please)
29) Can you drive stick? ????????
Would I admit to it if I did (whatever it is) ???
30) Have you traveled by train? - Yes
31) Have you ridden in a helicopter ? - Thankfully no - and long may it remain that way