Spanish word of the day > Spanish word of the day

viajes imserso


Just seen a headline that said acios to the above.  Imserso is not in my dictionary but I think the government are doing away with free/subsidised pensioner holidays.  Franco introduced them to keep hotels going in the off season.

Imserso = Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales

--- Quote from: El Diario ---The Government says that there will be trips from Imserso despite the suspension of the tender

The Central Administrative Court of Contractual Resources has suspended the tender for the 2019 social tourism program, accepting the precautionary and provisional measures requested by the hotel sector in its appeal. Employers appealed at the beginning of May over the conditions of the new contract of the Imserso on having understood that it supposed "damages of difficult or impossible repair" for the sector, reason why they demanded that the process was provisionally suspended. However, the Government have assured that the trips of the Imserso "are not in danger".

The precautionary suspension, adopted on Thursday provisionally and regularly in this type of resources, does not resolve the issue of merits raised by the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (Cehat), but is adopted provisionally and, in the face of "the damages of difficult or impossible repair that may arise from the continuation of the tendering procedure ", until the court pronounces itself definitively. Something that will happen within a maximum period of one month.

It should be remembered that the Imserso senior holiday program is financed at 20% by the State, an amount that hoteliers consider "residual". The rest is paid by the users, with social prices previously established in the specifications of the program.

The hoteliers, this Thursday, are satisfied with this preliminary resolution and hope to meet with those responsible for tourism to be able to agree on a solution to the problem that can satisfy all parties. However, the Ministry of Health trust that "the definitive pronouncement will be favorable to the procedure in due course".
--- End quote ---

Thank Drax xx

de nada :tiphat:


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