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F1 - It's been a while!

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And the race today in Austria was an absolute classic. Enjoyed every minute, I usually just watch the first few laps, doze around until the 14-18 lap pitstops and then the last finishing few, but every lap today seemed to have something going on.

Those kerbs seem to make a big difference, wrecking the cars set up and with 9 out of 20 retired today most had mechanical problems. Mercedes told their drivers to drive down the tarmac between the white lines, which isn't a simple thing to do at those speeds.

Next week is the return "match", same time same place, will they do something with those kerbs or will we have another exciting race like today - love it!!

Yes agreed!  Just a pity I cannot see it live any more.  I'm hoping the next 2 at Silverstone will be live as normally the UK race is a live one...

Best for a long time.

Todays race was very good as well, I particularly liked the bit on the first lap when the two Ferraris decided to mate  :rofl: :rofl: :thumbsup: :whistle:

I'm with you on that one...  Having said that I do not want this season to be a foregone conclusion.


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