We have updated our residency information on gov.uk (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/residency-requirements-in-spain). This, plus the guide released this week by the Spanish government (http://prensa.empleo.gob.es/WebPrensa/salamultimedia/documento_enlaces/covid/GUIA_BREXIT_ENG.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2TLdP6f50T_b-ab7iigQRUuayNQNEjEAb4-xyNMMW4urXzFiAIsYV7IfI) will answer the majority of your questions on residency, so please do read this information before sending your individual questions. For additional clarity, please see the joint video message recorded by HMA Hugh Elliott and Secretaria de Estado de Migraciones Hana Jalloul earlier this week.