Author Topic: Fascinating?  (Read 3838 times)


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« on: 31 Jul, 2020, 09:36:43 am »
I am waiting in for a Carpenter to arrive at 8.30.  According to all my clocks it is now 9.30.  Sixteen years ago when I first came here I would have been really annoyed with steam coming out of my ears.  Today?  Nothing, as it is what I expect from Spanish workmen.  Over the past 3 weeks I've had extensive work done on my house an it has been interesting watching their work ethic.  The tilers arrived dead on 8, mixed some cement then sat having breakfast for half an hour.  They only took another half hour dead on 2 then left at 6.30.  Another man came to put some tiles on the roof terrace as they think that is where rain occasionally comes in but he arrived at 5 and worked through to about 8 (he needs to come back and do the grouting he did as it is not right).  Thee painters came on saturday morning, 2 girls.  They were here at 8 and I did not see them for the rest of the day as they worked solidly through and did not once come and ask me if they could use the loo(???)

Another 15 mins have gone and no sign of carpenter.

He's here now at 10.45. I had forgotten he sings while he's working.  The sort of singing that the men do accompanied by guitars and flamenco dancing and he's not quiet!  Love him... 

« Last Edit: 31 Jul, 2020, 10:57:22 am by frankie »