Author Topic: End of the month proverb: en agosto frío en rostro  (Read 5216 times)


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End of the month proverb: en agosto frío en rostro
« on: 29 Aug, 2020, 08:25:32 am »
Fin de mes de refranero: in August cold in the face

The last three days of this month of August will allow the well-known popular saying of ' in August cold in the face' to be fulfilled . The meteorologist forecasters warn of the low trough, a mass of cold air, from the north of the continent and across the Atlantic, which will cause a notable drop in average temperatures .

Really very low temperatures are expected throughout the country and especially in the northern quadrant with respect to those that are usual this month, in some areas of the interior they could even reach frost and a snow shower is not ruled out in the mountains of higher altitude.

And in Almería?
Almería is far to the south - it is often said 'south of the south ' - and the thermal downturn will be less radical than in the north of Spain, but it will come. Eduardo Romay, from the Almeria collective of climate analysts 'Cazatormentas', explains that the well-known saying is appropriate in the north and centre of the country, “but not so much for Almería, because it is very difficult for us to really get cold here in the month of August ”.

That said, he affirms that the maps show that the drop in temperatures will also reach the province and its effect will be noticeably more in the inland regions, where if it is not cold, a much cooler climate will be appreciated than the one that has been usual in the last two weeks this month.

Cool environment
In most areas of the interior of the province, the drop in temperatures will begin during the day on Saturday and this situation will continue during Sunday and next Monday. The thermometers will drop on average between seven and nine degrees in the daytime and between six and eight at night.

An example: in the town of Abrucena , where in recent days between 32 and 34 degrees have been recorded, the temperature will stay around 26 or 27 degrees. At night the same situation; It will go from 20-22 degrees to a temperature that will be around 15 or 16 degrees; "Not to take a jacket, but to find a cardigan if you want to go out at night."

Relief on the coast
The arrival of the cold air mass from the north of the continent will be pushed by winds from the north and west also to the coastal areas of the province, so that from 34 to 36 degrees of the last two weeks it will go down to thirty or even a little below.

This is good news for those who have more difficulty sleeping at night as forecasts of Cazatormentas point to a temperature drop of about four degrees, remaining slightly below twenty degrees, far from the 26 or 27 of some nights that made it impossible to sleep.