Author Topic: Grenfell  (Read 3813 times)


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« on: 10 Sep, 2020, 06:54:49 am »
"The fire safety guidance for what materials could be used on Grenfell Tower was "confusing", the director of the company which installed the cladding has told an inquiry."  I worked in the construction industry, mostly for building materials producers and once for one of the Worlds largest producers of this sort of cladding.  There was certainly nothing confusing about fire regs then.  I took several new products through the rigours of Warrington Fire Research (one of the UKs biggest testing facilities) where they test the panels to destruction then give them a fire rating ztated in hours.  Building/fire regs clearly state what fire rating can be used where

Sorry, rant ..but this has been annoying me since the tradgedy happened. 

I ceel better now  :rolleyes:


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Re: Grenfell
« Reply #1 on: 10 Sep, 2020, 10:51:09 am »
This horrendous fire is still reverberating in the region.  Many of those who lost their homes and all in them, have still not been rehoused and are living n cramped, temporary accommodation.  I also feel for the people who are still living in places where this cladding was used and has not been removed due to the cost.  How can they sleep at night?  I know I wouldn't.