I did know that it wasn-t constant sun with temperatures in the 80-s as I had spent the first week in december here, looking at houses before coming over for good the following April. We had to borrow a couple of fleeces from the kind lady who was taking us around to see houses as we were so cold. I had been told it did occasionally happen, so wasn-t too concerned and my criteria was to be able to grow the exotics that I grew in my heated greenhouse in UK. Although my house is above the valley I was reassured that the house nearest to mine grew oranges. The main selling point were the incredible views and that continues to be the case.
My first winter I discovered the house was built as a summer residence and not to be lived in during winter. Temperatures went down to minus 12 and did not budge. Inside was not much better and was just 10 C inside, with heating on and no electricity.
I should have guessed the large photo of the house covered in snow on the wall was a clue!!!