Author Topic: Infections and restrictions  (Read 3825 times)


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Infections and restrictions
« on: 10 Dec, 2020, 11:11:22 am »

During the current restrictions in Andalucia the infection rate has fallen.
The regional government has a figure of 250 per 100,000 as being the critical level to get below.

For Andalucia the figure is now 170.
For the Almanzora region the figure is 152.

Almeria and El Ejido medical regions are still in the red zone with 267, although falling.
In these two areas they are carrying out extra random testing to identify the problem.

All farmacies now have a stock of a quick anti body test kits.
These are not for people with symptoms but to find out those who have the anti body as a result of being infected without symptoms.
However these are only available on prescription because the results have to be monitored and recorded.

The current restrictions end at midnight tomorrow (Friday).
Later today we will know the details of future restrictions which are likely to last until 6th January.
It has already been indicated that during the Christmas and New Year holiday period there will be restrictions on party gatherings, likely to be limited to 6 close family members.