Author Topic: RESTRICTIONS  (Read 3989 times)


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« on: 21 Apr, 2021, 06:38:51 pm »

The committee of experts in Andalucia was due to meet today, but has postponed the meeting until next Wednesday.
This is the committee which advices the regional government about future restrictions.

In the meantime there is a request for a meeting with the central government of all the regional presidents.
This is to discuss how to proceed when the state of alarm ends in the first week of May.
There is doubt about whether the regional governments will then have the legal power to impose travel restrictions.

The question is also whether travel restrictions will be correct since by then, given the current rate of vaccinations, over a third of adults will have received at least one dose.
Also there are strong indications that in most regions the spread of the virus is under control.

They also have to discuss how to proceed with the various vaccines ..
The age limits for the Astra Zeneca and Janssen vaccines, and whether to extend the time span between first and second doses of the Pfizer vaccine.