Author Topic: Zurgena Demolitions?  (Read 8803 times)


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Zurgena Demolitions?
« on: 01 Sep, 2021, 02:12:54 pm »
The Justice department has required the Civil Guard to certify if the five housing structures that were to be demolished by the former mayor of Zurgena, Cándido Trabalón, have been demolished or if, on the contrary, they are still standing.

However, the properties (a gift from a company and for which he was convicted of bribery) remain intact to this day, as this newspaper (La Voz) has been able to verify; showing themselves as they were when Trabalón was condemned to their demolition. It should be remembered that the former mayor was also sentenced to a sentence of five years in prison and 21 years of disqualification from public office or employment.

These are five housing structures that a merchant gave to the former mayor and which is located in the area called 'Los Menchones' in the municipal district of Zurgena. The houses, out of order, represent, according to what was proven during the trial against Trabalón, a "gift" from a company due to the "position he held."

It is the principle of building five buildings valued at 180,000 euros", according to a court ruling, for which he was convicted of improper bribery. The Provincial Court of Almería decreed in 2020 the demolition of the alleged homes. The ex-mayor was convicted in 2019, and who, according to the court ruling, must also bear the costs of the demolition of these buildings.

Despite the fact that around a year has elapsed since the sentence, the court ruling assured that Cándido Trabalón should undertake the demolition " within two months , following the request, under the warning that if not carried out, the demolition at his expense", as specified in the car, to which LA VOZ has had access.

"Since the confiscated buildings are not capable of being sold by public auction, because they are on rustic land for agricultural use, given their state, they should be demolished," the sentence read.

In prison,
Cándido Trabalón  entered the El Acebuche prison, in Almería, on February 12 after being  found guilty of urban corruption. 

Specifically, the former leader of the Andalusian Party (PA) is serving a sentence of five years and four months in prison for a continuous crime of urban prevarication, a crime of falsifying an official document, a crime against land planning and a crime improper bribery.

The illegalities committed during Trabalón's term and the proliferation of out-of-order housing has cost the Zurgena cirizens hundreds of thousands of euros .

Among other costs derived from those years, 649,292 euros the City Council will pay to those affected in a period of 12 years as compensation.