News from Towns and Villages > Other villages in the area

Cantoria Rubbish !!

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Fined for throwing a sofa and other furniture next to a container in Cantoria
Another neighbour reported him through one of the anonymous forms of the Guardia Civil

Agents of the Guardia Civil of Almería have drawn up an infraction certificate against a 55-year-old neighbour of Cantoria for depositing and accumulating furniture and belongings in a rural area not authorized in the El Badil neighbourhood of the town.

It was another neighbour who denounced him through one of the anonymous citizen collaboration forms that the Instituto Armado  offers on its website, they explained in a press release.

The agents went to the indicated place to find a sofa, a box spring and a mattress, among other items, along with several containers of household garbage, arranged for organic waste, packaging and paper.

After identifying the offender, he confirmed that he had deposited the sofa, the mattress and the mattress next to the containers but that "he was not responsible for the rest of the objects accumulated in the same place."

For this reason, the agents drew up an act for failing to comply with the regulations on waste and discharges in terms of health and the environment. The actions will be sent to the Territorial Delegation of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Sustainable Development of Almería due to non-compliance in the management of domestic and commercial waste, included in Law 22/2011, of July 28, on waste and contaminated soils .

The Guardia Civil reminds us that it has an official channel on its website ( available to citizens who wish to collaborate anonymously by reporting possible infractions related to the environment and animal protection, telematic crimes and other criminal acts.

I am glad sonebody is taking action.  I may use that website

Cantoria town hall cleared up the railway line lady year, but still builders dump their rubbish, just laziness, why? :angry:

Our rambla , la Perla end, is a mess, mostly builders' rubbish

Is this Guardia site available for everyone to use or is it just Arboleas and Cantoria?
People should be shamed AND named for this crime, especially in this beautiful country which has adopted us...


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