We came here 16 years ago, green, dodging cowboys, both legal lawyers, notarios, builders, plumbers etc., but in the last 2 years I am now pleased to say I have fully legal tradesmen. Arboleascreases, who collected my duvets, quilted throw and rug, beautifully laundered and delivered back, a tad more than the laundromat, but well worth it. A Gestoria, Loly, Spanish, but brilliant, fully au fait with the tax system. A seamstress and upholsterer Lorraine, brilliant work she has done for us. Stuart Ranford who looks after our feet. A builder, Fabian, professional, reasonable. Our plumber, Clive, totally professional and a super nice guy and my dynamic duo Louise and Jools who look after my cleaning. Spencer who sorted our car out, saving us a lot of euros. Thanks to you all, all I need now is a mobile car valeter.