Weather Stats > Weather Stats & Comments

wet, wet wet!

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Just checked next week's weather for up here and from Wednesday onwards it is forecast to rain.  I wonder if I shall be able to put the hose away or will it pass me by?  I know, according to the chart, that I get more than most, it is so annoying to watch it coming down from Baza with really black skies and hearing thunder, ony to see it split before reaching me.  I can then see it travelling down the Filabres mountains opposite and the Estancias behind the village while I am in bright sunshine.

I was up in Sufli yesterday, which is a village on opposite side of the Almanzora valley to me, in the Filabres.  Not a drop of rain there.  Drove down to Olula and it was hammering down, with rivers in the streets.  Drove back up towards my village and it was getting dryer and dryer.  I'd not had a drop.  However, I did get rain overnight and had 11ml in rain gauge.  Garden is breathing a sigh of relief but loads more is needed.  Did everyone get rain?

It rained here, for about 3 minutes

Not a drop here yet.  Some sand on Wednesday night

When I checked weather for up here this morning, I have rain forecast every day next week, starting tomorrow night before dying out on friday. :smiley: :smiley:


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