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Saving Heat

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I was advised by my Architect son to put Radflex behind my radiators.  I was a bit dubious as I generally make a pigs ear of any DIY (I'll beat Judi to it!  :whistle:) but I did need to save money this winter.  I was able to order it from within Spain, so no faffing with import problems.  It arrived within days over a week ago and I've been reading the instructions several times and this morning made a start.
I am amazed how simple it was and I've completed the job!!!  The hardest bit was the measuring and fighting off the 'help' from kittens!
It is supposed to reflect over 95% of radiated heat.  My son says it made a difference in his UK home and also reduced his energy bills by about 20%.  I'll be happy with a quarter of that but obviously time will tell...

I must look into that

I remember being surprised how warm the wall felt which had radiator on it than the wall with no rad.  Stands to reason really as these home don't have insulation (or mine doesn't).

None of our radiators are on outside walls!

Then the company which installed yours were better than mine!


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