Weather Stats > Weather Stats & Comments


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Yep, sod’s law! 😄

I have had some rain. It started early this morning as it woke me up at 6.30.  I have guttering on the roof and rain falling on that was deafening with bedroom window open.  I really had high hopes of not needing to water today.  The rain gauge had just 2 ml in it....

Had a look at the Rain Alarm and it doesn't look as if we will be getting any more.... :cry:

We had about a dozen large drops early this morning, although the sky looks a bit like there might be more.  Much fresher this morning.

Was your rain dirty Frankie?

No, Annie, it hasn't been.  I posted earlier that there would be no more rain here, went outside and did about half the watering when it chucked it  down..  By the time I reached the front door and went inside, soaking wet, it had stopped, so back out again and did the rest.  At least with the ground now damp, if it does rain again it should soak in and not run off.


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