Author Topic: Feed : el zafarrancho - the clearing of the decks of a military ship, a call to battle stations, cleanup, havoc, mess  (Read 3536 times)

Spanish word of the day

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el zafarrancho - the clearing of the decks of a military ship, a call to battle stations, cleanup, havoc, mess

Spanish example: Siendo inevitable el encuentro, Grau ordenó zafarrancho de combate, hizó el pabellón de guerra y con gran coraje se dispuso a dar batalla contra fuerzas ampliamente superiores.

English example: As the encounter was inevitable, Grau ordered all hands to battle stations, raised the war banner and courageously decided to do battle against vastly superior forces.
Source: el zafarrancho - the clearing of the decks of a military ship, a call to battle stations, cleanup, havoc, mess