News from Towns and Villages > Arboleas

Arboleas elections

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The meeting yesterday was incredible.
Standing room only in the hall.
When Jose Juan entered the hall everyone rose, applauded and cheered.

The most interesting thing was the makeup of the Spanish.
Not just the smartly dressed PP members.
But a lot of young people, and a lot of lads looking like they just got home from work.
And many Spanish I recognised as usually supporting the current Mayor.

There were around 50 British.
Mostly people with illegal homes.
They have been threatened by the town hall that they will be issued huge taxes for segregation and infrastructure.
Obviously they are worried and angry.

In my opinion the only chance the current Mayor has is if he gets the overwhelming support from the British with legal homes.
If that happens it will not be good for community relations, given the overwhelming support in the Spanish community.

I am on discussions with the PP organiser and Jose Juan with a view to arrange a public meeting for the British.

Yes the PP have been working to get the support of the Belgian community.


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