Now been taken over by a larger company. My internet coverage was dreadful and I was unable to watch any programme after 5pm-ish without it buffering or black screen. Id made many complaints and equests to sort it but they always came during the day when there was 10mg. I spoke yo someone and cancelled my subscription on the 26th of May. Telplay installed their system thefollowing day. Only wish I'd done it earlier as I can now choose to watch whatever channel I wanted to and know I will seethe whole thing. Despite my request to cancel, Next took over 27€ from my account on the 7th June as per usual. Bank claimed it back and cancelled Next. Now they are demanding i pay it and say there is no record of my ringing to cancel... I have a form to fill in, sign and return it with copy of my TIE, and a copy of padron. Now anyone who knows me, knows that I like asking me to fly an aircraft. I've explained I do'nt have a printer but they do not listen.
Has anyone else had problems cancelling Next?