Weather Stats > Weather Stats & Comments

something to look forward to???

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Just checked the forecast for this weekend and through next week and now wish I hadn't!  VERY heavy rain from tomorrow night into sunday morning, then even more rain during sunday and on and off all through the week.  I DO want rain but why does it all have to come at once? In order to make sure it will sink into the ground where it's needed, I shall have to water my garden this evening, so it is not one huge area set like concrete. :huh:

Shame it has to happen now, on Tuesday we have friends arriving from New Zealand for two weeks, last summer there was very wet and winter has been wet too so was hoping to show then some Spanish sun  :huh:

I have visitors from next Saturday

It's started already  :rain:

I don't mind if it rains all weekend providing the sun is back by Tuesday!


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