Weather Stats > Weather Stats & Comments

something to look forward to???

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None up here this morning, Judi but there was a fair bit in the run off into rain barrel, so must have rained during the night.  When I drove down to Olula earlier, the roads down there were wet but those in Purchena were bone dry! Obviously very localised...

Looking at the rain radar map it's looking as if it may pass us by.  It' seems to have divided and travelling from east to west,  across the North and south of Andalucia.

There was a lot of rain overnight


New rain gauge is being christened with a vengeance.  I emptied it out this morning as it was overflowing, which I estimate to be around 55+ ml-  It's still
filling up now and supposed to continue through the day.  Ive also divertedwater off the roof inro my 2 rainbarrels-  Theey are now draining into the water 
channel outside my garden.  I could have done with this a month ago...



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