Author Topic: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish  (Read 16155 times)


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20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« on: 11 Jul, 2019, 11:17:53 am »
I use a lot of them myself. 😂


Meaning: To strike an object with a glancing blow.
Example: I’ll skite you across the ear if you don’t pay attention.

The Baths

Meaning: Swimming pool.
Example: I’m just going to the baths for a swim.

The Dancin’

Meaning: Going to a dance hall.
Example: I met your grandpa at the dancin’ back in 1969.


Meaning: That, indicating something more distant in place or time.
Example: My grandson is sitting one of thon exams next week.


Meaning: To tell tales about or inform against someone or be a person who tells tales or informs against someone.
Example: Eleanor clyped on her pal to the teacher. She’s a right wee clype!

The Messages

Meaning: The shopping.
Example: I’ll get the messages when I’m in the town.


Meaning: To fidget or fumble.
Example: Stop footerin’ aboot, you!


Meaning: Stupid, foolish and thoughtless person or action.
Example: Don’t just stand there lookin’ glaikit!


Meaning: Drenched, soaked through.
Example: You’re drookit after being in that torrential rain.


Meaning: A person’s bottom.
Example: Sit on your bahookie and behave!


Meaning: Look or peek.
Example: Take a wee keek at the scones I made, but don’t eat any!


Meaning: A plaster cast for a broken bone.
Example: He’s got a stookie on after breaking his arm.


Meaning: A sandwich.
Example: I’ve got a cheese piece for my lunch.


Meaning: Sneaky.
Example: That lassie canny be trusted - she’s awfu’ sleekit.


Meaning: Limp, stumble.
Example: Yer daddy is hirplin’ aboot after his fall.


Meaning: Exclamation of surprise, damn it.
Example: Jings, I can’t believe Henry is in the court files of the paper again!

Coorie in

Meaning: Snuggle, nestle.
Example: Come here and coorie in, you look cold.


Meaning: Anything of good quality.
Example: That goal was a stoater!


Meaning: Smack, hit.
Example: I'll give you a skelp if you don't do what you're told.

The Pictures

Meaning: The cinema.
Example: Me and your grandad went to the pictures for our first date.


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #1 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 03:25:00 pm »
Ah Annie, the memories. My two grannies were both Irish, God rest them, but there are a few words there that we use too.
My Mammy used a lot as I do now too.


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #2 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 04:21:44 pm »
I like coorie in best.  I think it really sounds like snuggling in.


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #3 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 04:25:29 pm »
That's one I hadn't heard Annie.
I di remember my Mammy saying, on more than one occasion, " I'll skelp your arse"


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #4 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 04:39:34 pm »
Baths, skelp and The Pictures are also in South Yorkshire


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #5 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 05:13:33 pm »
And Lincolnshire.


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #6 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 07:12:38 pm »
Trying to remember a few from Yorkshire

Nithering  very cold as in weather
Nesh someone who is overly sensitive to it being nithering is described as being nesh
Pobs  hot milk and bread  sweet or salt , ususlly salty, given when ill, deters people from claiming they are ill
A bottle,   what older people expected the doctor to give them whatever was wrong with them
Weshin what you hang out after its bin int wesher
Snicket or ginnel or even ginnel-oil.  Gap between two buildings.  A snicket usially had a metal bollard to stoo you taking your bike ghrough it


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #7 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 08:10:54 pm »
Here's a bit more for you, Annie  :tiphat:

50 Reasons that You Know Your Scottish when...
1.        The only sausage you know is square

2.        You were forced to do Scottish country dancing every year at high school

3.        Scattered Showers with outbreaks of sunshine and a cold northerly wind, is your idea of good weather

4.        You have a wide knowledge of local words and know Numpty is an idiot, Aye is yes, Ayeright is no, Auldjin is someone over 40 and Baltic is Cold

5.        You have irrational need to eat anything from the chippy, as long as it is deep fried - haggis, pizza, white pudding, sausage, fish, chicken and battered Mars Bars.

6.        You used to love destroying your teeth with - penny dainties, wham bars, cola
 cubes and soor plooms

7.        You always greet people by talking about the weather

8.        Even if you normally hate the Proclaimers, Runrig and Caledonia, Deacon Blue, Big Country, you still love it when they are played in a club abroad.
 (in fact you will ask the DJ to play them)

9.        You have an enormous feeling of dread when Scotland play even a diddy team

10.        You are proud that Scotland has the highest number of alcohol and smoking deaths in Europe

11.        You used to watch Glen Michael's Cartoon Cavalcade on a Sunday afternoon with his lamp Paladin

12.        You got Oor Wullie and The Broons books every Christmas

13.        You only enjoy Weir's Way on the telly, when you are p*ssed

14.        You are able to recognise the regional dilect (Glasgow) "awright pla, gonie  gies a wee swatcha yir paper nat, cheers, magic pal.  (Aberdeen) Fitlike
Loon? Furryboots ya bin up tae. fair few quines in the night, min. (Inverness) Ah-eee right enuffff! How's you keeeeepeeeeen?

15.        You know the police are aobut to arrive when you hear someone shout –  Errrapolis

16.        You have witnessed a "square go"

17.        You know that when you are asked which School you attended they really mean, "Are you a Tim or a Proddy"

18.        You have eaten the following: Mince and Tatties, Cullen Skink, Tunnock's teacakes, snowballs and Caramel Wafers, Porridge, Macaroon Bar, Baxter's Soup, Scotch Pie and Oatcakes

19.        A jakey has asked you for 10p for a cuppa tea

20.        You wait at the shop counter for 1p change.

21.        You know that the right response to "you dancing" is "you asking" followed
 by "am asking" and finally "them am dancing"

22.        You associated sawdust with vomit coz the jannie always used to pour it over sick in school

23.        You lose all respect for a groom who doesn't wear a kilt

24.        You don't do shopping, you "go for the messages"

25.        You are on a bus and the drunk picks you to sit next to you

26.        You are able to conduct a 20-minute phone call using three words only: awright, aye and naw!

27.        When you refuse the offer of a drink, you hear "what you no well"

28.        You sang: "You canny fling pieces oot a 20 storey flat, 700 hungry weans'll testify to that, if its butter, cheese or jelly,  if the breed is plain or pan, the chances o' it reaching earth, are ninety nine to wan

29.        You know that going to a party means bringin a kerry oot

30.        Your holiday in Benidorm is ruined when you hear there is a heat wave back home

31.        Scotland go 2-0 up against the French, and you immediately think, getting beat 3-2 was "no a bad result"

32.        You can pronounce: McConnachie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie and Kirkcaldy

33.        You love deep fried Pizza

34.        You can't pass a Kebab shop after being at the pub

35.        You are used to all four seasons in one day!

36.        You can fall when drunk and not spill your drink

37.        You see people wearing shellsuits with Burberry accessories, and think "that’s class"

38.        You measure distance in minutes

39.        You understand Rab C Nesbitt

40.        You go to Saltcoats because you think its abroad

41.        You can make a whole sentence using only swear words

42.        You know what haggis is made with, but you still enjoy it

43.        You planned your wedding around the football fixtures

44.        You have been to a wedding and the football results have been announced in  the church

45.        You are not surprised to find one shop selling ALL of the following: Pizza, Nappies, Fags, Curries, Milk, Paint, Shoes etc

46.        Your seaside home has calor gas under it

47.        You know Irn Bru is a good hangover cure

48.        You could swear before you could count

49.        You would "nut" a terrorist if they tried to bomb your Airport

50.        You are not only Scottish, but Glaswegan when you understand the following how's it hingin, clatty, boggin, cludgie, Ba'heid, Bawbag and double nougat.


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #8 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 08:32:33 pm »
Oh dear Puff, I agree with a lot of those, but several are really nasty and racist even! 😡😡


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #9 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 08:51:16 pm »
     You have witnessed a "square go"  what is that?


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #10 on: 11 Jul, 2019, 09:43:28 pm »
A fight


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #11 on: 12 Jul, 2019, 09:13:30 am »
OMG PTMD  :thumbsdown:


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #12 on: 12 Jul, 2019, 10:59:13 am »
Annie and Doreen, may I ask what in the list you are "mothachail air" to ?


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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #13 on: 12 Jul, 2019, 02:04:48 pm »
Well, all I know is, it was sent by one Scot to another Scot on FB, as a fun thing, and I also passed it on, with humour being the intention.
I believe that, nasty or racist comments are not what are written or spoken, but what is in the person’s heart at the time.



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Re: 20 words you’ll know if your granny’s Scottish
« Reply #14 on: 12 Jul, 2019, 03:05:12 pm »
Great to see so many people Au Fait with the Scots  Gaelic language and can us it in such lovely terms. .!!!
My limit is Connacht Gaelic Irish  im afraid.
Now im stuck on the crossword ,,. Clue is Godess of Roman  War and Wisdom of course.??
Seven  letters ending in A.??
And its not really off topic. !!