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Exciting forecast???

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I've just lookedat the precdictions for weather week ahead for up here and it's says  there will be heavy rain next sunday and a drop in temperatures
The Gardeners are installing a watering system on saturday.... :rolleyes:

Hate to be the bearer of bad news Frankie, but just seen on Facebook a Calima is forecast for this week, stating it will be as bad as 2 years ago.   :angry:

Oh, deep joy, Roscoe.  We desperately need rain but just not all at once.  I also hope it doesn't iinterfere with the Easter Parades as so much work goes into them..
I'm assuming a Calima is the same as a Gota Fria?

No Calima is the red stuff Frankie

Deep deep joy, I hope next door turns bright red before they set off back home, the dozy ****'s have just put down weed matting and a couple of lorry loads of white stones outside their house, roadside where the path would be if the council had any inclination to make one.

They "don't like green"  :whistle: why, oh why, move into the countryside? naff off back to the city  :crazy:


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