Charities / What's on! > Events

Albox cinema

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Sadly the owner of my local cinema died and it was sold to a developer.
His funeral was on:

Monday 16:45, 18:30, 20:15

Tuesday 15:30, 17:15, 19:00

Wednesday 16:45, 18:30, 20:15

Thursday 16:00, 17:45, 19:30

 :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

The next film showing in English will be Abominable on 4th November at 6pm.
I think it's the name of the film, not a description  :laugh:

On 11th November at 7pm the cinema will be showing Terminator - Dark Fate in English

Arnie is back... baby!!

Monday 18th November it's the story of Ford vs Ferrari in the film Le Mans '66 with Matt Damon and Christian Bale
VOSE 19:00


--- Quote from: Henry Ford ---Automobile racing began five minutes after the second car was built.
--- End quote ---


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