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Albox cinema

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I just love his voice and always listen to his review on the radio.  I never was much of a film fan, haven't been to the cinema for at least 20 years

Yep just checked Sunday Bloody Sunday 1971.  Put me off.  Glenda Jackson and one of the foxes and a dog died

That even beats me Judi!  My last cinema visit was for Schindler's List which was in B&W apart from fleeting glimpses of a little girl in a red coat.  The only film I've seen where the audience sat at the end for at least a minute before applauding!
I read somewhere that Glenda has given up politics and is now making another film!!!!

She is on the radio a lot

Not unsurprisingly there is no cine this week, instead a notice:

--- Quote ---Lamentándolo mucho, las sesiones programadas para los próximos de días quedan SUSPENDIDAS hasta nuevo aviso.

Dentro de las medidas que el Ayuntamiento de Albox ha tomado para evitar la propagación del CORONAVIRUS se ha incluido el cierre del cine hasta una fecha sin concretar.

Rogamos disculpen las molestias y que pronto podamos volver a la normalidad.


Very sorry, sessions scheduled for the next few days are suspended until further notice.

Within the measures Albox City Council has taken to prevent the spread of CORONAVIRUS, the closure of cinema has been included until an unspecified date.

Please excuse the inconvenience and soon we can return to normal.

Thank you.

--- End quote ---


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