Mad donna is another story... I'll try to keep it as short as possible..
2001 Earls Court, London.. tickets on sale online weeks before at 09:00 - I got two for her second day on the top row way back about 09:25 from the website.. about 80 quid each I think.
on the 09:30 news (BBC) it was reported that the first gig sold out in a matter of minutes, that the tickets were already on Ebay at offers over a thousand pounds... touts were climbing over themselves to buy more...
by 09:35 I'd cracked the URL listings and figured out the sequence of "online booking" - cracked, not hacked!! I knew the "next page number"
at 09:50 (ish) I bought two more tickets (80 quid each) on the last day in the first row from the stage, almost central.
When her indoors got home from work I mentioned it of course... so we put the front row seats on ebay (Mad donna is not my cup of tea anyway) and the tickets sold for over 700 pounds.
We had a train trip from Lancashire, we had 3 nights B& B hotel outside of Euston station 3* or maybe better (I forget), three days tube ticket, a couple of nights meals (Aberdeen Angus steak, a lovely Italian place, come to mind) AND third row from the front at CATS... we also went round the London Eye, Tower of London and whatever else we did I forget - but a wonderful few days courtesy of Mad donna.
So we turn up at the Earls Court Venue in plenty of time... 8pm start - no support act - and at 8:45 we are still waiting for her to take the stage...
and the "good news" = she sang the same songs to us at the back in the cheap seats as she did to those at the front. Mad donna - I wouldn't go see her if she was singing in the garden next door for free... but she DID give us a great visit to London
Sorry it wasn't a short reply :(