Author Topic: Memories  (Read 5758 times)


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« on: 25 Jul, 2019, 09:15:31 pm »
My daughter has just seen her eldest daughter off on a plane to Australia and is now appreciating how I felt 30 years ago when she did the same thing.

The big difference for my daughter is that contact nowadays is easy whereas I had to depend on snail mail and the occasional phone call.

I suppose there’s a lot to be said for Facebook and Skype in these situations.


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Re: Memories
« Reply #1 on: 25 Jul, 2019, 09:23:21 pm »
Ah Jesus Annie, I'm crying thinking about it. It's just over 7 years now since I had to say goodbye to my Jennifer. I will never forget that heartache of watching her walk away from me on her adventure to Australia. 😭
As you say we are luckier now, the world is a smaller place because of technology. Safe journey to your granddaughter ❤️


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Re: Memories
« Reply #2 on: 25 Jul, 2019, 09:29:53 pm »
Yes, it’s hard isn’t it, but they have to get on with their own lives.  It made it even harder for me 30 years ago because my husband of 20 years had just left me for another woman, so it was just me, my son and our dog left. ☹️

Never mind, it turned out OK for my daughter and she loved Oz.  I’m sure that my grand-daughter will too. 😄

Stacey Steele

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Re: Memories
« Reply #3 on: 26 Jul, 2019, 12:15:36 am »
My two did the same and my biggest fear was that they would meet an Australian and never come home. Thankfully they both did and still keep in touch with friends they made on their travels.You are both right it’s much easier these days to keep in touch.
You still miss and worry about them though. Wish I had had the opportunity when I was younger.


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Re: Memories
« Reply #4 on: 26 Jul, 2019, 08:17:53 am »
The flight from Manchester was half an hour late departing and they were concerned about the connection in Switzerland.  I had to smile when I got a message from my daughter at half past midnight saying, “The flight has taken off from Zurich and no contact from Caitlin, so we assume she’s on board”! 😂


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Re: Memories
« Reply #5 on: 26 Jul, 2019, 09:21:46 am »
Its so hard to  watch them  leave the nest but at least they want to go on an adventure and you can speak to them daily by skype. A far cry from times past. I grew up on a farm and at that time the oldest son inherited everything so the rest of us were shunted out as soon as possible to reduce the burden  on the farms finances.
At the great age of 16 I won a scholarship that I didnt know I entered to a  boarding catering college for two years . With one days notice my small bag was packed and I was dropped off at the college and although only 14 miles from home I could only visit at Xmas.  After two years in this regimental  jail I was provided with a live in job on the other side of the country .  With no phones in most houses contact was by letter and as my mother had other priorities running a busy farm and also a midwife for a vast area so  letters were few and far between.
I still dream of the shock at being so abruptly  removed from my best friend ,  school pals and budding girlfriends without any notice.
I never went back for more than a short holiday but spend more time there now than ever before but they are all gone.
So its sad to see them fly the coop but  if they are happy at the adventure and you are in constant  contact it lessens the pain.


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Re: Memories
« Reply #6 on: 26 Jul, 2019, 11:08:54 am »
She has now arrived in Singapore where there is a 3 hour stopover before the final leg to Sidney.  It’s a very long journey, but knowing Caitlin she has probably slept the whole way! 😂


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Re: Memories
« Reply #7 on: 26 Jul, 2019, 11:53:42 am »
She will have plenty to see and do in Singapore airport Annie. It's amazing.

Raymondo, that must have been an awful shock for you for sure.
I remember Jennifer sending me a message when they got through security and got settled with a drink. She said Mammy please don't cry, you aren't sending me away. I want to go. After everything you have done for us now is your time to have your adventure ( we were coming here to Spain), You deserve to enjoy every minute.
I still have the pillowcase that she slept on the last night before she left. It's in my bedside drawer and I hold it tight to me when I want to hug her.

Stacey, two going at the one time would have put me over the edge. X


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Re: Memories
« Reply #8 on: 26 Jul, 2019, 11:58:34 am »
It’s early evening in Singapore and she has spoken to her Dad, so I think a wee celebratory G&T would be in order.  :rolleyes:

I wish I could have had this blow by blow account of Hazel’s journey 30 years ago.


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Re: Memories
« Reply #9 on: 26 Jul, 2019, 02:38:19 pm »
Sounds like you are right Doreen.  Caitlin has just posted lots of pics on FB with the comment, “This airport is mental”.  :laugh:


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Re: Memories
« Reply #10 on: 07 Aug, 2019, 06:10:28 pm »
Hi Annie, how is wee Caitlin getting on?


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Re: Memories
« Reply #11 on: 07 Aug, 2019, 09:37:47 pm »
She appears to be having the time of her life Doreen.  Swimming, surfing, eating and drinking! 😂😂


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Re: Memories
« Reply #12 on: 07 Aug, 2019, 10:40:47 pm »
Sounds about right for life Down Under Annie, oh to be young again eh.


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Re: Memories
« Reply #13 on: 08 Aug, 2019, 08:09:16 am »
I nearly went there as a child.  My father's occupation was needed back then and there was a lot o discussion about it at home.  We would have gone under the 'Ten Pound Poms' scheme.  I know my parents regretted not going especially in later life.