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Warm enough?

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I have ordered guttering for myself 😓

Sounds like you’ll need it tomorrow Doreen! 😂


--- Quote from: AnnieM on 08 Aug, 2019, 08:23:14 am ---I’m coping fine during the day, but sleeping at night is a struggle.

--- End quote ---
Yes, the last couple of nights have been quite warm. We've turned off the electric blanket around midnight and not bothered with the hot water bottle at all. Maybe it's the 24 tog duvet that's keeping us comfortable?  :rofl:
It's a hard life up here in the hills  :whistle:

Aye right Drax.  I don’t button up the back you know! 😂😂😂😂

Tomorrow's forecast is hot, orange alert on AEMET so all you elderlies should beware. Must admit to feeling more knackered now in the heat than I did a few years ago, so just have to accept that age takes it's toll and join the club... :laugh:


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