Author Topic: Amber Rudd  (Read 7031 times)


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Amber Rudd
« on: 07 Sep, 2019, 10:47:54 pm »
Amber Rudd has sensationally resigned from the Cabinet and the Conservative party in protest at the crazy actions and lies by Boris.
I expect Boris to follow shortly to create more chaos if thats possible.
What a mess.


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #1 on: 08 Sep, 2019, 07:07:49 am »
You couldn’t make it up! 😡


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #2 on: 08 Sep, 2019, 12:27:30 pm »
Was it Cameron who said vote for him or get chaos with Corbyn  :undecided:


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #3 on: 08 Sep, 2019, 04:28:12 pm »
I think it was Cameron, but about Miliband, not Corbyn.
We have had nothing but chaos since the moment Cameron was elected.


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #4 on: 08 Sep, 2019, 09:47:39 pm »
Didn't Amber Rudd resign from Theresa May's cabinet, too? Seems she's a bit of a quitter.
Except quitting the EU. She's a staunch remainer.
Oh, and her constituency voted to leave, so she's jumping ship before she gets punished at the forthcoming election?


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #5 on: 08 Sep, 2019, 10:36:26 pm »
ho hum  :huh:


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #6 on: 09 Sep, 2019, 08:40:12 am »
Didn't Amber Rudd resign from Theresa May's cabinet, too? Seems she's a bit of a quitter.
Except quitting the EU. She's a staunch remainer.
Oh, and her constituency voted to leave, so she's jumping ship before she gets punished at the forthcoming election?

If my memory serves me right John she had to resign (or quit to use use your words) for making a misleading statement to the Commons. Something I doubt whether any present members of the front bench would even consider doing in similar circumstances. In fact we have one present minister who was sacked for telling porkies by Theresa May but was immediately brought back into the cabinet by the present prime minister, who seems to have a very relaxed view on the telling of lies.

The only real  quitters that I remember from Theresa May's cabinet are Boris Johnson, Dominic Raab et al.




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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #7 on: 09 Sep, 2019, 08:58:13 am »
“a very relaxed view on the telling of lies.”

I love that!  :laugh: :laugh:


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #8 on: 09 Sep, 2019, 10:00:53 am »
Boris off to Dublin today to tell some relaxing yarns to the original  yarn tellers.  He's bringing an Elixer to make the Border vanish in a puff of Boris magic.
Like trying to sell sand to the Arabs. !!
Hopefully they give him a  two month tour of Dublin Castle .
What a waste of the Government Jet.
The Irish PM has a gift of a special  bottle of Poteen  laced with Irish truth serum  to  take back with him.
Expect a much more honest Boris from now on.
Yeah right !! 😂🙈🙉🙊


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #9 on: 09 Sep, 2019, 10:17:55 am »
Boris off to Dublin today to tell some relaxing yarns to the original  yarn tellers.  He's bringing an Elixer to make the Border vanish in a puff of Boris magic.
Like trying to sell sand to the Arabs. !!
Hopefully they give him a  two month tour of Dublin Castle .
What a waste of the Government Jet.
The Irish PM has a gift of a special  bottle of Poteen  laced with Irish truth serum  to  take back with him.
Expect a much more honest Boris from now on.
Yeah right !! 😂🙈🙉🙊

It doesn't matter what the Irish PM puts in that special bottle my money would be on Boris' immune system overcoming any attacks by a truth serum.




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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #10 on: 09 Sep, 2019, 10:55:52 am »
I wondered how anyone could spin that it is OK for Boris to appoint a remainer proven liar to his cabinet (Rudd), but when he appoints leavers it's because he has a relaxed view of telling lies!
Interesting viewpoint though.
Here's her first resignation:
Every politician seems to have a relaxed view on telling lies.
How about Theresa May telling us 100 times in the House that the UK would be leaving the customs union and the single market, and that we would be leaving on 29th March 2019?
By the way, have we left yet?  :laugh:


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #11 on: 09 Sep, 2019, 01:11:46 pm »
Ho Hum again . same old , same old. 😕


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #12 on: 09 Sep, 2019, 01:38:28 pm »
I wondered how anyone could spin that it is OK for Boris to appoint a remainer proven liar to his cabinet (Rudd), but when he appoints leavers it's because he has a relaxed view of telling lies!
Interesting viewpoint though.
Here's her first resignation:
Every politician seems to have a relaxed view on telling lies.
How about Theresa May telling us 100 times in the House that the UK would be leaving the customs union and the single market, and that we would be leaving on 29th March 2019?
By the way, have we left yet?  :laugh:

I don’t think anyone has said or even inferred it is ok for Boris to appoint a remainer proven liar to his cabinet (Rudd) but when he appoints leavers it’s because he has a relaxed view of telling lies!

It may be just me but I honestly don’t know which dots you have joined up to come to that conclusion.

The only two names I mentioned were Rudd and Williamson, who were originally both remainers, but who both now claim to accept the result of Brexit. In the case of Williamson he is still insisting that he never made the leak despite the Prime Minister saying that she had compelling information that he did

I personally do not have much time for politicians of any persuasion because I don’t trust them. No matter how honest they may be in private life many of them tend to bend the truth when faced with difficult situations. However, from what I have seen, Johnson doesn’t need any excuse to lie. He just does it habitually. Such an attitude I find both repugnant and morally corrupt and nothing to do with Brexit.

Your comments about Therese May I really do find very surprising. I am not a fan of hers but I do believe she did intend to leave on 29th March 2019 and that her comments were intentions and not lies dressed up as facts.




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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #13 on: 09 Sep, 2019, 05:33:38 pm »
Most of them are liars, Tory and Labour. Johnson is probably the biggest or most habitual as his record suggests. Only problem is, that he is now PM and as such not a good advertisement of UK political leaders to the rest of the world. Bloody embarrassment in fact! :sad:


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Re: Amber Rudd
« Reply #14 on: 09 Sep, 2019, 07:56:40 pm »
Indeed Jimmymac, and the polls have him ahead. You would have been given high odds a few years ago for a Trump and Boris win double as President and Prime Minister ! Unchartered waters for Boris I feel. What is the bet after politics we see him appearing on Strictly Come Dancing or following his old man in the jungle. Mind you Westminster is a jungle right now, as Drax has just posted, the speaker to step down amid the Brexit chaos.

Theresa May is probably running around those wheat fields laughing her head off right now :smiley: