Author Topic: This is an exciting Time  (Read 5725 times)


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This is an exciting Time
« on: 11 Oct, 2019, 12:11:06 pm »
I don't know whether you agree with these sentiments, but these were the words used by Dominic Raab in a letter that he penned to UK nationals in Spain.

Admittedly they only formed a small part of his letter but personally I think it just shows how tactless the man is.




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« Last Edit: 11 Oct, 2019, 12:13:29 pm by rt21 »


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Re: This is an exciting Time
« Reply #1 on: 11 Oct, 2019, 03:19:14 pm »
 :hi: I think this bit of his letter is very relevant and not at all tactless:

Quote from: dom raab
But to make sure your daily needs are met, there are some steps you must take to get ready for Brexit on 31 October.

You’ll need to register for residency, check your healthcare cover, verify your passport validity online and exchange your UK driving licence for a Spanish one. To check the specific actions you need to take, and stay up to date, go to the Living in Spain Guide at

In Government, we are doing our bit to get ready for Brexit, too. We are making sure that on 1 November, every British national living in Spain can go on living, working, studying and accessing healthcare.

We are working with the Spanish authorities to make processes as smooth and straightforward as possible, whether you’re applying for residency or a new driving licence.

And we are working with the Spanish National Health System, SNS, to ensure that tourists, students and European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) holders will be able to access healthcare in the same way until at least 31 December 2020.
:thumbsup:  :tiphat:


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Re: This is an exciting Time
« Reply #2 on: 11 Oct, 2019, 04:00:46 pm »
Personally I hate the  whole ' Will of the British people'  phrase.

makes it sound like we are all united in the wish to leave, when the truth is that this whole fiasco has divided the British people beyond anything  I have known.


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Re: This is an exciting Time
« Reply #3 on: 11 Oct, 2019, 05:42:29 pm »
Don't think I can agree with some of his comments but I suppose they have to give the impression that they care about us. :laugh:


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Re: This is an exciting Time
« Reply #4 on: 14 Oct, 2019, 02:46:01 pm »
Trev is spot on.  Scotland possibly seeking annexation, N.Ireland fighting not to be let go, friends in UK not understanding how the whole thing will affect ex-pats.  It's crazy.  Yes, 52% voting to leave but 47% voting remain - it was hardly a landslide and I wonder how it would pan out now if there were to be another referendum?
I certainly do not feel reassured by Raab stating we will be eligible to continue with free healthcare unto Dec 2020.  We'll be a year older and would still be quoted exorbitant premiums for private health insurance.
jimmymac, I trust you are not fooled by his 'caring' attitude!  :headshake:


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Re: This is an exciting Time
« Reply #5 on: 14 Oct, 2019, 05:18:34 pm »
Trev is spot on.  Scotland possibly seeking annexation, N.Ireland fighting not to be let go, friends in UK not understanding how the whole thing will affect ex-pats.  It's crazy.  Yes, 52% voting to leave but 47% voting remain - it was hardly a landslide and I wonder how it would pan out now if there were to be another referendum?

If voters were persuaded in a new referendum to vote the same as last time it is very likely that Remain would win this time for two reasons

Firstly according to an expert on the subject, two and a half million teenagers have reached voting age since 2016. Although turnout in this age group tends to be low, those that would vote are overwhelmingly in favour of wanting Britain to stay in the EU.

Secondly, over the same period, two million Britons have died. Older voters divided two-to-one in favour of Brexit in 2016. Thus this demographic factor would have more of an adverse impact on the Brexit vote than on the Remain vote.

Other polling data suggests that there has been very little change of mind in peoples' voting intentions. 8 out of 10 people say they would vote the same way as before. However, among the minority, more Leave than Remain voters are having second thoughts.

The above observations are all consistent with the average polling data over the last 10 months which shows a steady 53-47 per cent preference for Remain.




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Re: This is an exciting Time
« Reply #6 on: 14 Oct, 2019, 05:45:23 pm »
'Caring' Raab, whenever I see or hear him on tv making these sincere, heartfelt speeches it makes me wonder do these politicos think the public are so thick that they can spout garbage and we all believe and accept it, or are they so arrogant that they don't really care. In his case a bit of both I think!
Anyway frankie, I am not fooled by his 'caring' attitude in the slightest. Another 'Tory dipstick', Labour have plenty of them too. :grin:


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Re: This is an exciting Time
« Reply #7 on: 14 Oct, 2019, 07:26:20 pm »
But jimmymac, people are fooled by these politicos.  If you listen to some of the garbage spouted by them you can tell they are aimed at the lowest common denominator - no big words, the usual rhetoric, constant repetition. They lap it up.
Watching the candidates listening to their leaders with rapt faces at the Party conferences you just know they will be repeating what they've been brainwashed into saying. 
I do not trust any of them. :sad: