Author Topic: Lazer treatment on eyes?  (Read 4240 times)


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Lazer treatment on eyes?
« on: 30 Oct, 2019, 02:17:25 pm »
Has anyone had this done?  It was needed on the eye which had a cataract op 2 years ago and I had it yesterday.  Driving home from Hospital I thought I had something in my eye as I could see it moving around but it didn't hurt.  This morning it was still there and I now understand it is  'floater' according to Google.  What it doesn't tell me is if it can be removed, it's already driving me mad! 


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Re: Lazer treatment on eyes?
« Reply #1 on: 30 Oct, 2019, 03:14:30 pm »
They are floaters and 99% of people over 60 have them. They come and go, one of life’s things.
I haven’t had lazer, but have had new lenses, it’s done by numbing ones eye, they then cut into the white bit go inside and somehow dissolve the lens at the back of the iris. They then put a man or woman made lens in its place. Apparently it’s made of the same material as fighter jet canopies. The operation awake mind, takes about 10 minutes. I can now see like an eagle. Thing is my girlfriend and others says at certain angles and light they can see my purples shining silvery. Just right for Halloween “eh” I have very dark brown almost black irises.

Clare Shirley

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Re: Lazer treatment on eyes?
« Reply #2 on: 30 Oct, 2019, 03:40:13 pm »
floaters form part of the vitreous liquid and therefore the only way to remove them is remove all the vitreous liquid and replace it

its not something done lightly and usually only done when they operate on detached retinas.

Its something you should get used to but you could complain and ask to see the opthamologist.


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Re: Lazer treatment on eyes?
« Reply #3 on: 30 Oct, 2019, 06:51:38 pm »
Yes, it told me on the sites I googled this morning that I would get used to it.  Currently it is as if a very small fly has landed on my glasses and it's moving around on it! Really irritating at the moment!
Foggy, I have a friend who has the same op as you and keeps saying I should have it done.  I think I will just get lenses changed in the current glasses frame and then, when enough time has passed after the last cataract op, will be going to see Clare Shirley to talk about 'Dailies'.  I wore contact lenses (hard ones) since 1972 and hate wearing glasses.