Weather Stats > Weather Stats & Comments

Yearly weather stats

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For interest

This is only half a year - look at the rainfall comparisons!!!

I think the spring rains this year went on for longer and were wetter, which cause the longest spring flowering season.  The stunning vegetation back then is now the deadest and deadliest fire hazard in the over 18 years I've been here.  It scares me to think some unthinking person may throw a lit cigarette out of a car window or a piece of broken glass could ignite the campo so we'd get the same wildfires which are burning elsewhere.. :sad:

True, very worrying

Indeed, if everyone was as wise as Frankie we wouldn't have half of the problems with fires in the campo, the sun doesn't combust dried grass, it takes a 3rd party to initiate.

A Spanish friend told me yesterday that ALL fires are now banned outside, INCLUDING BBQ's...   As far as I know that's a first and the man who told me said he didn't think they'd been banned before...

Oh, and Drax, no one has ever called me wise before - lots of other things but wise?  Nah!


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