Author Topic: Seven villages in the Almanzora Valley will have chargers for electric cars  (Read 10191 times)


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Gradually withdrawing fossil fuel vehicles in favour of other types of energy that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly will be a little more visible in the Almanzora Valley. Seven towns in this region have already requested an open line of aid for the installation of chargers in their municipalities, although it is foreseeable that shortly other localities will join this initiative.

These grants are being processed through the Association of Tourist Entrepreneurs of the Almanzora Valley and will make this region one of the most prepared to receive the visits from those tourists who have opted for an electric car as a vehicle. As well as the few neighbours of the villages of the valley that already own this type of car, the initiative aims to mainly influence tourists with an electric car knowing that the region will have facilities to recharge it. Similar for those who have to travel through Almanzora for work reasons.

At the moment, the villages that have requested the installation of these chargers are Arboleas and Cantoria with two chargers for each municipality as well as Macael, Oria, Purchena and Bacares and Taberno. According to sources of the association, the execution period to install the chargers is 12 months, although some "will prioritise it and others later depending on availability of the budget of each municipality."

Specifically, the aid launched by the Andalusian Energy Agency corresponds to European funds 'Feder' and subsidises 70% of the amount, although it is the municipalities that have to first disburse 100% of the investment so that, once justified, they can receive 70% rebates. "The average cost of the infrastructure, work and installation is 10,000 euros per recharge point," says the association.