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Cats diet - Always wondered..



Supplementary 4Kg normal?    Zebedee is almost 6

Yes, but does vary from cat to cat.  Some can be much heavier - Main Coon, Siberian etc, while others can be much thinner - siamese, hairless cats etc.  In non pedigree cats the range is also variable. 
My Joey, a pedigree Burmese has, until recently, been heavier, around 5kilos.  He is now just over 3kilos, as he is unwell but vet said today he is OK, especially as he has just put over a kilo on since xmas, when he was just a bag of bones.  His younger bruv, by 20 mins, was over 5kilos.
Katykat, a Spanish siamese from indeterminate parentage, has always been around 5 kilos and now has middle age spread so 5.5 kilos.
Not sure what the picture is saying but I reckon neither column constitutes a good diet (for cat or their hooman).

and I think... (not being a very medical or vet type person) that if the male has been neutered then they gain a bit/lot more weight perhaps?

Both male and female do.  A female can start having kittens as an early age (from 4 - 5 months) and when they do they stop growing, which is why so many of those hanging around the dustbins are so small.  When the urge for a male to stop wanting to father kittens stops then he will usually be less territorial.  However, the later he loses his 'packed lunch' the more likely he will still be a fighter and will continue to spray on his territory, often in the house.  He will generally live longer when his nuts have gone...
It is best to have both 'done' before 6 months. 


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