Author Topic: Arboleas man caught with 72 kilos of marijuana in his van  (Read 5532 times)


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Arboleas man caught with 72 kilos of marijuana in his van
« on: 16 May, 2020, 07:40:41 am »
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The Guardia Civil seized more than 72 kilos of marijuana in a van at a roadblock on the A-92, at La Altura de Guadix (Granada) and has arrested the person who was driving the vehicle for a crime against public health for drug trafficking.

It was around 5:00 pm on May 11 when the agents intercepted a van travelling to Almería and when they asked the driver what excuse he had to travel between provinces, he replied that he was  moving house.

The agents wanted to see what he was carrying and when opening the cargo compartment the smell of marijuana was very strong, so they decided to search the vehicle thoroughly and found 70 bags of vacuum-packed marijuana hidden in cardboard boxes.

The driver of the van, a 43-year-old resident of the town of Arboleas (Almería), was arrested as an alleged perpetrator of a crime against public health for drug trafficking and was taken along with the drugs and the van to the barracks that the The Guardia Civil has in Guadix so that the territorial team of the Judicial Police can instruct proceedings.

This operation is part of the effort that the 4th Zone of the Guardia Civil is developing in Campo de Gibraltar and its area of ​​influence to combat drug trafficking from North Africa.

With the control, the Guardia Civil was seeking to ensure compliance with the Royal Decree that limits free movement of people after the declaration of the state of alarm.



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Re: Arboleas man caught with 72 kilos of marijuana in his van
« Reply #1 on: 16 May, 2020, 09:45:30 am »


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Re: Arboleas man caught with 72 kilos of marijuana in his van
« Reply #2 on: 16 May, 2020, 01:45:29 pm »
There was a programme recently on TV (not sure which channel) about the problem of drug trafficking between Gibralter and mainland Spain.  It is a really big problem and has made millionaires of several drug Barons living in luxury in the area.  These men do not do any of the grunt work themselves so cannot be arrested, although they did raid one of the mansions they live in, after a tip off and found Millions and millions of euros in a hidden room but no drugs.  It was a fascinating programme.