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Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by frankie on Yesterday at 03:00:10 pm »
If my house is ever made legal and i could be searching for somewhere else to ive, two places can be totaly ruled out - El Chopo because it's even colder than Somontin and Palomares as it's even wetter than up here... :huh:
General Discussion / Re: Action
« Last Post by frankie on Yesterday at 02:52:35 pm »
I ventured into this place yesterday - just to have a nosey!  I spent €50 on things i hadn't realised I needed... :wink:
General Discussion / Re: Centipedes
« Last Post by frankie on Yesterday at 02:49:31 pm »
Thankfully,over the past few days the bite site is now healinveg.
I totally agree about fearing them the most.  I can cope  with  large rats, spiders, wasps, snakes and scorpions but these centipedes give me the willies!!!
I had no idea they climbed shelav.  One more reason to be afraid, very afraid!
General Discussion / Re: Walk for Life Calendars 2025
« Last Post by frankie on Yesterday at 02:40:22 pm »
Got mine yesterday from the Corner Shop.  They get better every year.
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 06 Sep, 2024, 06:29:42 am »

Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Weekly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 04 Sep, 2024, 03:38:19 pm »
From 26th - warmer this year

Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Weekly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 04 Sep, 2024, 11:47:28 am »
From 19th - slightly warmer last year

General Discussion / Walk for Life Calendars 2025
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 30 Aug, 2024, 04:54:04 pm »
The 2025 Walk for Life Calendar will be on sale from next week and is in three languages, Spanish, English and Dutch. 
The price is €8, and all proceeds go to people in this area who are affected by cancer. 
Calendars available from:
Arboleas: ALO Services, Dream Homes, AFA charity shop, Farmacia, Total Entertainment, Sassy Casa and Coviran. La Cinta: Sol Yoga Albox: Colin the Card, Glad Rags, The Corner Shop, Sol Supermercado, Total Entertainment and Almeria Homes

General Discussion / Re: Centipedes
« Last Post by shelav on 30 Aug, 2024, 03:54:17 pm »
I got bitten by one on the back of my neck, just in the hairline, whilst in bed earlier this year, it was sore for a few days and the two marks took a couple of weeks to disappear.  They are the creature I despise more than any other over here, our bedroom is on the first floor so no idea why they feel the need to come up there!
General Discussion / Re: Centipedes
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 30 Aug, 2024, 09:57:04 am »
The life cycle of a centipede can be broadly categorized into three primary stages: the egg, the nymph or juvenile, and the adult stage. The journey begins when a female centipede lays her eggs, often in the soil or within protected areas where they remain concealed from predators. Depending on the species and environmental conditions, the number of eggs can vary widely, with some laying just a few while others deposit several dozen. After a gestation period which can range from days to weeks, these eggs hatch into nymphs. These nymphs resemble miniature versions of the adult centipedes, albeit with fewer segments and legs. As they grow and progress through various instars, they add more segments and legs, gradually taking on the appearance of the mature centipede.
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