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el predicador, la predicadora - preacher

Spanish example: Luego de su conversión y llamamiento al ministerio, comenzó para él un período feliz en su vida, cuando las bendiciones de Dios descansaban sobre el joven predicador.

English example: After his conversion and calling to the ministry, a happy period of his life began, when God\'s blessings resident on the young preacher.
Source: el predicador, la predicadora - preacher
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Weekly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 23 Jul, 2024, 06:03:35 pm »
From 15th

I thought it would have been much warmer this year but it is similar

Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Weekly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 21 Jul, 2024, 06:44:50 pm »
8th July

no rain either year
General Discussion / Re: Action
« Last Post by Roscoe on 20 Jul, 2024, 10:22:11 am »
I was at Fontaalmanzora last week and they are going to have access from the main road.  so perhaps that is what is happening.
General Discussion / Re: Action
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 20 Jul, 2024, 10:05:13 am »
I am not sure what Action is.  A lot of people said it was similar to B&M.  I didn't like to admit I have no idea what B&M is  :embarrassed:
General Discussion / Action
« Last Post by Drax on 19 Jul, 2024, 09:23:15 pm »
Action is in the old lidl building for those that aren't aware..

Today the stretch of road that used to take us into lidl was blocked off, they've removed part of the crash barriers and concreted the destruction. Looks like we have a new entrance or something, hope it isn't going to be yet another roundabout 🤨
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 19 Jul, 2024, 11:39:49 am »

Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 19 Jul, 2024, 11:16:01 am »

la pajilla - straw (for drinking), cigarette made from a corn leaf

Spanish example: Si no es en botella de vidrio y con pajita no me gusta.

English example: If it isn't in a glass bottle with a straw I don't like it.
Source: la pajilla - straw (for drinking), cigarette made from a corn leaf
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 14 Jul, 2024, 03:53:40 pm »

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