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General Discussion / Centipedes
« Last Post by frankie on 29 Aug, 2024, 07:51:12 pm »
About a month ago, I was stung by one in the night.  I sprayed bedroom liberally with Orange Maton, Using the wholecanover 3 days, before going back o my bed.  Last week a live one was discovered in there and I put it outsideusing a dustpan and brush (legs get caught in thr brush).  I thought it was te one which got me.  Today, another one much smaller was found in there, dead.  I now wonder if anyone knows whether they lay eggs or give birth to live centipedes and how fast do they grow?  If there is anything which might make me go back to UK it's the thought of them running rampant iin my bedroom.

Also, can  anyone who has been bitten/stung by one tell me how long it took for it to heal?  Mine isn't!
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 29 Aug, 2024, 06:43:22 pm »
Didn't last year
la excedencia - leave of absence, sabbatical

Spanish example: ¿Está obligada la empresa a conceder un permiso de excedencia voluntaria al trabajador que lo solicita?

English example: Is the business required to grant a voluntary leave of absence to the worker who asks for it?
Source: la excedencia - leave of absence, sabbatical
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by frankie on 28 Aug, 2024, 02:13:27 pm »
I do half and half as my garden is so large.  Its an exhausting task...  Roll on kids going back to school.  It always rains then...
el intrusismo - the practicing of a profession without a license and/or proper qualifications

Spanish example: El artículo 23 prohibe todas las formas de intrusismo médico.

English example: Article 23 bans all types of the unqualified practice of medicine.
Source: el intrusismo - the practicing of a profession without a license and/or proper qualifications
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 24 Aug, 2024, 10:27:11 am »
I always water in a morning
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by Drax on 23 Aug, 2024, 06:55:41 pm »
Is that since we started recording temps?  I know it hasseemedfar hotter than  I can remember.  I'm shut inside all day with the shutters closed, living likea Trogaladyte.  Only emerging after 8pm  and then  only to water garden...
Plants don't like to go to sleep with wet feet
Word games and quizzes / Re: News Quiz
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 22 Aug, 2024, 11:06:50 am »
well done :clap:
Word games and quizzes / Re: News Quiz
« Last Post by shelav on 21 Aug, 2024, 07:33:17 pm »
Your score: 6 / 7
She Works Hard for the Money

Not sure how  that happened as I only knew three!
encandilar - to dazzle (someone), to greatly impress (someone), to fascinate

Spanish example: Alonso Guerrero transmitía una pasión por los libros que encandilaba a sus románticas alumnas.

English example: Alonso Guerrero conveyed a passion for the books that enchanted his romantic students.
Source: encandilar - to dazzle (someone), to greatly impress (someone), to fascinate
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