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Spanish word of the day / Feed : el lince - lynx
« Last Post by Spanish word of the day on 13 Aug, 2024, 07:04:36 am »
el lince - lynx

Spanish example: Los linces conforman cuatro especies de felinos salvajes caracterizadas por su tamaño medio, fuertes patas, largas orejas, y cola corta

English example: Lynx are made up of four species of wild cats characterized by their medium size, strong legs, large ears and short tail.
Source: el lince - lynx
General Discussion / Re: Action
« Last Post by Wolfie on 11 Aug, 2024, 07:09:08 am »
I went on the opening day (8th) and enjoyed the experience.  What I didn't enjoy was the scratch card that the cashier gave me when I came to pay.  You have to go on their website to register the code but it wouldn't accept my email address no matter what I did - I've only had it for over 20 years.  They haven't responded to my complaint yet.
General Discussion / Re: Action
« Last Post by Ollie on 10 Aug, 2024, 10:35:15 am »
It’s open. Well worth a look, it sells allsorts at quite reasonable prices.
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Monthly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 09 Aug, 2024, 11:29:55 am »
July.  Somontín highest average July temperature yet!

Low high  La Perla Verde on 27th - I have a note it was misty into the afternoon

Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Weekly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 09 Aug, 2024, 11:03:16 am »
From 29th - hotter this year

Word games and quizzes / Re: News Quiz
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 09 Aug, 2024, 09:29:45 am »
Ooops - just one  Cry me a river
prendarse - to become enchanted, to fall in love (with a thing)

Spanish example: La popular cantante y su marido se prendaron del país.

English example: The popular singer and her husband fell in love with the country.
Source: prendarse - to become enchanted, to fall in love (with a thing)
la zalamería - flattery, flattering statement

Spanish example: Las zalamerías de Pedro siempre me sonaron a hipocresía.

English example: Pedro's flattery always sounds very hypocritical to me.
Source: la zalamería - flattery, flattering statement
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Weekly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 02 Aug, 2024, 10:59:59 am »
Not warmer than last year everywhere!

No rain either year
General Discussion / Re: Action
« Last Post by Wolfie on 02 Aug, 2024, 06:06:48 am »
It was mentioned that they would open on 8th August around 3 weeks ago.
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