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la escalinata - staircase, stair step

Spanish example: La escalinata fue construida por Silverio González, en 1926, con un marcado estilo romano.

English example: The staircase was built by Silverio González in 1962 in a marked Roman style.
Source: la escalinata - staircase, stair step
General Discussion / Re: Vote?
« Last Post by jimmymac on 20 Jun, 2024, 05:45:30 pm »
Well if Farage's Reform ever do become the main opposition party, it will only signify the death of the Conservative party and to some extent democracy in the UK. Though I must stress that I am not a Tory supporter, I do detest the shameful grifter Farage! :shocked:

Spanish word of the day / Feed : el hatajo - group, bunch
« Last Post by Spanish word of the day on 19 Jun, 2024, 01:00:41 pm »
el hatajo - group, bunch

Spanish example: Hay que detener a este hatajo de idiotas.

English example: It is necessary to arrest this bunch of idiots.
Source: el hatajo - group, bunch
General Discussion / Re: Vote?
« Last Post by Drax on 18 Jun, 2024, 07:35:46 am »
I watched Reform announcing their manifesto yesterday lunchtime and they are now the new Conservative party, they'll almost certainly be the opposition party if Labour win.
Spanish word of the day / Feed : homologable - comparable
« Last Post by Spanish word of the day on 16 Jun, 2024, 01:00:39 am »
homologable - comparable

Spanish example: La utilización de las sillitas infantiles es homologable al cinturón de seguridad.

English example: Use of the baby seat is comparable to using a safety belt.
Source: homologable - comparable
General Discussion / Re: Vote?
« Last Post by jimmymac on 15 Jun, 2024, 05:35:17 pm »
Well I have registered to vote and who I vote for is nobody's business but mine!  :laugh:

i vot
la pastilla - tablet, pill, bar (of soap), piece (of chocolate), brake shoe

Spanish example: El señor que trabaja en la farmacia dice que es importante que me tome un vaso de agua siempre que me tome una pastilla.

English example: The man that works at the drug store says that it's important that I drink a glass of water whenever I take a pill.
Source: la pastilla - tablet, pill, bar (of soap), piece (of chocolate), brake shoe
General Discussion / Re: Vote?
« Last Post by Wolfie on 14 Jun, 2024, 04:18:50 pm »
I decided not to bother this year even though I knew I could vote.  How do you choose between that lot, they're all as bad as each other in my mind and nothing on this earth would ever make me vote labour so that's it for me.   :blank:
General Discussion / Vote?
« Last Post by frankie on 14 Jun, 2024, 10:38:46 am »
I've just recently discovered that the rule expats are unable to vote in UK elections after living abroad for 15 years has been changed, enabling us to now vote.  However, the voting form must be applied for, we than need  to complete it and return it by 22nd of June.  I probably wouldn't have voted had I known (who can be trusted to Govern the UK?) but it would have been nice to have the option to decide whether to do so, rather than to be unable to....
Spanish word of the day / Feed : el otoño - autumn, fall
« Last Post by Spanish word of the day on 06 Jun, 2024, 01:00:37 am »
el otoño - autumn, fall

Spanish example: En el otoño siempre estaba el aroma de las hojas ardiendo.

English example: In fall there is always the smell of burning leaves.
Source: el otoño - autumn, fall
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