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General Discussion / Re: 22 billion !!!!!!!!
« Last Post by frankie on 29 Sep, 2024, 09:49:50 pm »
As anyone who knows me will confirm, I am not a numbers person, so having read Mulberry's post, i really could do with a think and a glass of brandy, although not nessesarily in that order.  However, before i grab ahold of the bottle I shall be pondering on a society where Senior citizens needing to end their days in a care home are means tested and this will dictate the kind of care home they may go to.  Perhaps the same sort of means testing could also apply to prisoners.  Just a thought...  Now, where's that bottle....
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Weekly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 28 Sep, 2024, 04:33:14 pm »
From 16th

Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Weekly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 28 Sep, 2024, 08:55:42 am »
From 9th September, cooler nights, days much the same

hipermétrope - far-sighted, long-sighted

Spanish example: La persona hipermétrope tiene la capacidad de ver claramente los objetos lejanos pero no puede ver tan bien los que están cerca.

English example: The far-sighted person has the ability to clearly see objects that are distant but can't see as well objects that are near.
Source: hipermétrope - far-sighted, long-sighted
el novelón - a long novel, often (although not necessarily) one that is of low quality

Spanish example: Soy amante de la literatura trivial en general y de los novelones de más de quinientas páginas en particular.

English example: I am a lover of trivial literature in general and particularly of long novels of more than 500 pages.
Source: el novelón - a long novel, often (although not necessarily) one that is of low quality
Spanish word of the day / Feed : la rebaja - reduction, discount
« Last Post by Spanish word of the day on 17 Sep, 2024, 01:57:05 am »
la rebaja - reduction, discount

Spanish example: La rebaja del IVA fue aprobada por el Gobierno para impulsar en España la Televisión Digital Terrestre.

English example: The reduction in the sales tax was approved by the government in order to stimulate Terrestrial Digital Television in Spain.
Source: la rebaja - reduction, discount
Weather Stats & Comments / Re: Weekly weather stats
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 14 Sep, 2024, 09:29:23 am »
From 2nd September - warmer this year

General Discussion / Re: 22 billion !!!!!!!!
« Last Post by Judi_bk on 10 Sep, 2024, 05:01:34 pm »
The numbers are astounding
General Discussion / 22 billion !!!!!!!!
« Last Post by Mullberry on 09 Sep, 2024, 05:51:38 pm »
22 billion, I’m fed up with hearing this number, yes it’s an unbelievably large number that most people, including me, have a problem getting their heads around, even though I don’t fully comprehend it I would not have a problem finding it in my bank account one morning.

So to give some idea of scale, if you live to the age of 75 and you managed to spend £800,000 (eight hundred thousand) a day, YES A DAY, you would be broke by your 75th birthday, that’s a 100 foot super yacht every 3 days. So yes it’s a lot of money. But now let’s put this into perspective of the government’s budget for the coming year, research (Google) suggests this will be about 1.3 to 1.4 trillion £1,300,000,000,000 now this really starts to become unfathomable.

Back to the maths, what is 22 billion in relation to 1.3 trillion and the answer is…wait for it 1.6%.

Now some people will say I’m not very good with money and I really should budget better but if I go shopping and I reckon that the food bill will be €100 but when I get to the checkout it comes to €101.6 I generally don’t need to go home and change my trousers and I don’t start figuring out what items to cut back on to save the €1.6. I don’t think I would even be p****d off if I took the car in and was given an estimate of €1000 and the bill came to €1016. So as solution to solving part of the 22billion black hole I have a suggestion….

Cutting the WFP (winter fuel payment) will save (according to google) £1.5 billion a year, perhaps there’s another way!

There are 98000 prisoners in the UK, it costs (again according to google) on average £25000 per person per year to keep them locked up or about £4.2 billion total, yes big numbers again £4,200,000,000. This is for food, bedding, TVs, electric, heating, guards, guards pensions, prison vans, salary’s, EVERYTHING.
Why not make these B*******s work and pay for their keep, £10 for breakfast, £20 evening meal, £50 a month for a TV, £100 a month to join the club where they play pool, cards, monopoly etc, £50 a week to do their washing, you get the idea the list can be endless.

You have dietary/religious needs and can’t eat pork! Well its bacon and egg for breakfast sunshine so you go hungry but you save £10, there’s always a silver lining.

Don’t want to work then your family pays, they don’t pay you don’t eat. Death rates through starvation increase and the prison population drops quickly, this solves the overcrowding that prisoners are constantly bitching about.
As an option when you first go inside you can elect to have all your possessions sold off and proceeds transferred to the prison service to give credit for food etc. This might buy you a week or 10 years of sitting in your cell doing SFA depending on if you were homeless caught stealing a Mars bar or a drug dealer. So pay the WFP and you still have 2.7 billion extra in the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!

After thinking this through a bit more, if these b******s are going to earn £25k a year then they will be liable for income tax, so its win, win, win for the government.

Anyway rant over, pick it apart, and tell me I’m wrong, I don’t care.
General Discussion / Re: Action
« Last Post by Drax on 09 Sep, 2024, 04:26:43 pm »
I do that in the one next to Aldi - can't remember what it's called.
Rossmann, German version of Superdrug 👍
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