Author Topic: Stay home  (Read 3924 times)


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Stay home
« on: 27 Apr, 2020, 12:32:37 pm »
We are told to stay home in fact we are "instructed" to stay home.
Yet all the royals are now at their holiday homes.
As are many of the Tory barstewards.
The best yet are some of the things in the paper.
Liz and Phil are staying in their apartments and are having to survive with the help of a reduced staff of 20.
My wife would be delighted to have to cope with "only" twenty staff.
The other day Liz found of  her budgies stuck in the netting of its cage, she had to call the  Keeper of the Royal Budgerigar to come and free it!
So that is where some of our £49 million goes.
Charlie and his bint have not furloughed any staff.
Why would they when they are still being paid for by everybody else in the country.
Finally these parasites are getting about £1 million per week but have done nothing for the past 7-8 weeks, but there is no mention of them being asked to give up payment when not working.