Author Topic: Markets Cancelled  (Read 3831 times)


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Markets Cancelled
« on: 07 Aug, 2020, 09:33:29 am »
Vera, Garrucha and Turre cancel their markets to avoid infections
Pulpí has ​​urgently convened the Emergency Plan to study actions against the pandemic

Three municipalities, Vera, Garrucha and Turre , have decided to provisionally suspend the celebration of their weekly markets to avoid infections in the face of the wave of cases that are occurring throughout the province.

Garruchera council chaired by María López has decided to temporarily suspend the Friday markets and the daily held at the Mirador del Malecón during the summer, following the recommendations of health experts in order to reduce the crowds of people. Municipal sources assure that it is a complicated decision, since it affects a sector already very affected by the crisis, but that it is necessary "as long as a reduction in the number of cases is not appreciated."

Likewise, Garrucha has also decided to postpone the activities of the Casa de la Juventud and sports activities. It has also announced that the disinfection work in the municipality will be reinforced.

This town is the fourth in the region with the most infected. Currently 17 active cases of coronavirus.

This Friday there is no market in Turre

For its part, the Turre City Council has also suspended its market this Friday "in order to avoid more traffic and contact between people." In addition, the municipal collective sports facilities are closed from August 4 (soccer field, municipal sports center and petanque courts) and cultural activities scheduled for August 7 and 14 are canceled.

It should be remembered that this municipality has an active outbreak with at least four infected people. In addition, according to municipal sources, two of the waiters affected by the Mojácar nightlife scene also live in it.

Vera joins the measure

Another neighboring municipality, Vera , along the same lines, has announced the precautionary suspension of the Saturday market for at least two weeks, although it may be extended depending on the situation, “due to the evolution of the health situation caused by COVID- 19, taking into account the outbreaks that are occurring in the Levante Almeriense region ”, according to its statement.

Vera is the third municipality in the region with the most infected people. It currently has 20 active cases.

In Pulpí and Los Gallardos
Another of the towns most shaken by the virus, Pulpí (it has 22 active cases), has agreed to convene the Emergency Plan in which Local Police, Civil Guard, Civil Protection, Red Cross, Health Center, as well as representatives of the City Council, to "evaluate the difficult situation that we are going through due to this pandemic, as well as gather information from the different levels of our municipality and try to set the best possible guidelines aimed at reducing as much as possible the cases of coronavirus in our municipality."

Los Gallardos has also reacted to the wave of cases. Its mayor, Francisco Miguel Reyes, calls "for calm and responsibility" because "disinfection work continues in the municipality" and recalls that municipal offices such as playgrounds, picnic areas and public squares remain closed.

Merchants announce protests against this measure
Street vendors have shown their discomfort at the suspension of three markets in the region and on social networks they have announced protests against what they consider an "unfair" situation and regret that "the discos can disinfect and reopen and we cannot sell to the open air and with distances ”. For this reason, some of the vendors have asked the union to gather in Garrucha this Friday to protest.


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Re: Markets Cancelled
« Reply #1 on: 07 Aug, 2020, 05:27:22 pm »
Think they are reasonable precautions.