Author Topic: Average reading age  (Read 4753 times)


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Average reading age
« on: 28 Jan, 2020, 05:14:28 pm »
Just heard on radio, from someone in charge of NHS website, that the average adult reading age in UK is 9.  She went on to say "that is why the Sun writes for age 8" !!!


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Re: Average reading age
« Reply #1 on: 29 Jan, 2020, 08:26:41 am »
 :nod: Although this is not new, it's very true and been known for many years that we have to dumb down to get messages across.   :whistle:

The National Literacy Trust published some statistics collected up to 2012

One commentator on the subject said at the time.
Many organisations have a reading age for their websites and publications. It’s for usability. GOV.UK had a reading age of 9 years old for citizen- and business-facing text and 14 years old for their content. In that time the argument was:

“9 year olds won’t want to read this, why are you writing to 9 year olds?” (This is often a precursor to the ‘you are dumbing it down’ wailing.)

Think about these stats:

The average reading age in the UK is about 9 years old
1.7 million adults in England, have literacy levels below those expected of an 11-year-old
The average 12 year old has over 50,000 terms in their vocabulary
If you cover up 30% of words on a page (any page, this isn’t device-specific) a 9 year old will still be able to accurately guess the missing content on the page
That last point is a skill you will carry into adulthood. You are doing a version of it right now by scanning this text.

Writing for an age range isn’t the same as writing to that age. Most 9 year olds will not be interested in insurance or benefits applications (or content design). But someone who is 49 with little time, a small phone screen or a life to live, will benefit from clear writing.

Good web content
Writing to the UK’s average reading age isn’t just about plain language and not using jargon; there’s more to it than that.

Take these examples:

Example one
It is a simple fact that constantly observing cold water raising in temperature until it arrives at the boiling point of 100 degrees, will not, in fact, make it come to that temperature any faster than say, staring at the nearest wallpaper.

Example two
Watching water boil won’t make it boil any faster.

See what I mean?
A 9-year old can read that first example. It’s just turgid and not to the point.  It’s using simple, plain language but not as clear as the second example though. It’s not quick to digest the information.

Using plain language doesn’t mean short, terse or that it will lack atmosphere or feeling either.

Try this:
We listened to the snow fall. You’d think it would be silent but it’s not. Not if you really, really listen. There’s a gentle thud of each tiny flake falling on its brother or sister, each nestling down for the winter.

To help anyone in child-sized reading group (so most of us who are scanning on a mobile phone):
  • keep your content to the point
  • use short sentences
  • one idea per paragraph
  • lots of sub-headings (helps with context and memory)
  • use more high-frequency words than low-frequency ones
  • explain technical terms the first time you use them on a page (you are potentially opening up your world to others, so share your knowledge)
  • Being clear in your language is the fastest route to helping someone else understand what you are trying to communicate.

Remember, writing to the average reading age of the UK is not about intelligence – it’s about speed.

Speed of reading and comprehension.
Nothing else.

9 year olds are just waiting to be taught something, like any adult who is not already familiar with a subject. Not knowing doesn’t make them unintelligent, it just means no-one has explained it yet. Writing to, or close to, the national average age means you are being inclusive and writing to how people read. It’s respectful.


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Re: Average reading age
« Reply #2 on: 29 Jan, 2020, 09:19:44 am »
Thanks for that Drax - it makes fascinating reading   :hi:


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Re: Average reading age
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jan, 2020, 02:33:09 pm »
That is unbelievable!  :shocked:
If the radio broadcast you heard Judi is correct then the average Sun reader is still below par!
One of my sons taught himself to read before he went to school and he became 'disruptive' when the Teacher was making him go back to basics.  At their suggestion we went to see a child psychologist.  I was not permitted to be in the room while he was being spoken to. At the end I was told my child was Mensa material and he was disruptive as he was bored.  A change of school and joining him in Mensa soon resolved the problem.
Unless a child is in the middle band ie not too intelligent or needing extra help, they are not catered for.  I wonder how many kids grow up illiterate due to this...


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Re: Average reading age
« Reply #4 on: 29 Jan, 2020, 02:50:09 pm »
I was reading by age 3 and found primary school boring.  I just became very quiet.  It didn't help that the headmistress and two of the teachers were relatives

Clare Shirley

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Re: Average reading age
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jan, 2020, 02:53:05 pm »
i was reading very early and my vocabulary at age 6 was age 12

I earnt the certificate when I left my middle school at age 10 when we moved to Spain of having read every single fiction book in the school library. I would borrow four a week


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Re: Average reading age
« Reply #6 on: 30 Jan, 2020, 01:50:24 pm »
I was told by my parents that the first thing I learnt to read at the age of 3 was "The End"
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Yes, we had a television



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Re: Average reading age
« Reply #7 on: 30 Jan, 2020, 06:55:09 pm »
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: