Author Topic: Bonkers Britain  (Read 4959 times)


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #1 on: 09 May, 2020, 10:50:50 pm »
Absolute stupidity, and the Uk government want people coming into the Uk to have 14 days in isolation, surely it should be the other way round.


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #2 on: 10 May, 2020, 07:58:27 am »
Precisely, what a cheek. IMO Spain have been spot on. The U.K. are a f shambles,


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #3 on: 10 May, 2020, 10:21:43 am »
I see the new slogan to be announced tonight by Boris will be to Be Alert and the Stay Home will now not be used.  That makes no sense whatsoever as it is almost giving cart blanche for all and sundry to mingle....


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #4 on: 10 May, 2020, 10:47:12 am »
That's a good one : "Be Alert" which is usually followed by "Britain needs lerts"


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #5 on: 10 May, 2020, 11:28:59 am »
 :cheesy: :cheesy:


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #6 on: 10 May, 2020, 12:04:40 pm »

The 14 day isolation starts in June.  I think Boris has returned to is herd immunity plan or was it Demonic's plan.  If all the old and thise with underlying conditions die off it will save them billions


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #7 on: 10 May, 2020, 12:09:28 pm »
It seems they are preparing for the second wave of the virus. Let’s hope it doesn’t mirror the Spanish flu of 1918.


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #8 on: 10 May, 2020, 02:20:24 pm »
And the Big Bag of Crap is still saying there are only 32000 deaths when  the NHS are saying the true figure is 36500, yet they have admitted that figure does not include deaths in mental health services.
"Lies, damned lies, and statistics" should now read Lies, lies and more dammed  lies
Yet they still believe in the thicko leader.
My cousin was admitted to hospital 5 weeks ago with an unrelated illness,
Tested 4 times for Covid all clear, tested again 3 days ago, test positive no ventilator available died 8 pm yesterday.
And this lot say they are doing all they can, it is disgraceful that the media is still not telling the truth.


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #9 on: 10 May, 2020, 02:26:58 pm »
If this is true then it is concerning as to how things are being run re the virus. Why am I concerned when I live in France? Because like many of us I have family there. Copied from a french forum
I copied this from Facebook so I cannot vouch for the truth of it but much of it I read and heard over the weeks. I believe the author may be a junior doctor but I am not sure to be honest. Any way have a read and see what conclusions you come to.
December 31st China alerts WHO to new virus.
January 23rd Study reveals a third of China’s patients require intensive care.
January 24th Boris Johnson misses first Cobra meeting.
January 29th Boris Johnson misses second Cobra meeting.
January 31st The NHS declares first ever ‘Level 4 critical incident’ Meanwhile, the government declines to join European scheme to source PPE.
February 5th Boris Johnson misses third Cobra meeting.
February 12th Boris Johnson misses fourth Cobra meeting. Exeter University published study warning Coronavirus could infect 45 million people in the UK if left unchallenged.
February 13th Boris Johnson misses conference call with European leaders.
February 14th Boris Johnson goes away on holiday. Aides are told keeps Johnson’s briefing notes short or he will not read them.
February 18th Johnson misses fifth cobra meeting.
February 26th Boris Johnson announces ‘Herd Immunity’ strategy, announcing some people will lose loved ones. Government document is leaked, predicting half a million Brits could die in ‘worse case scenario’
February 29th Boris Johnson retreats to his country manor. NHS warns of ‘PPE shortage nightmare’ Stockpiles have dwindled or expired after years of austerity cuts.
March 2nd Boris Johnson attends his first Cobra meeting, declining another opportunity to join European PPE scheme. Government’s own scientists say over half a million Brit’s could die if virus left unrestrained. Johnson tells country “We are very, very well prepared.”
March 3rd Scientists urge Government to advise public not to shake hands. Boris Johnson brags about shaking hands of Coronavirus patients.
March 4th Government stops providing daily updates on virus following a 70% spike in UK cases. They will later U-turn on this amid accusations they are withholding vital information.
March 5th Boris Johnson tells public to ‘wash their hands and business as usual’
March 7th Boris Johnson joins 82,000 people at Six Nations match.
March 9th After Ireland cancels St Patrick’s day parades, the government says there’s “No Rationale” for cancelling sporting events.
March 10th – 13th Cheltenham takes place, more than a quarter of a million people attend.
March 11th 3,000 Atletico Madrid fans fly to Liverpool.
March 12th Boris Johnson states banning events such as Cheltenham will have little effect. The Imperial College study finds the government’s plan is projected to kill half a million people.
March 13th The FA suspends the Premier League, citing an absence of Government guidance. Britain is invited to join European scheme for joint purchase of ventilators, and refuses. Boris Johnson lifts restrictions of those arriving from Coronavirus hot spots.
March 14th Government is still allowing mass gatherings, as Stereophonics play to 5,000 people in Cardiff.
March 16th Boris Johnson asks Britons not to go to pubs, but allows them to stay open. During a conference call, Johnson jokes that push to build new ventilators should be called ‘Operation Last Gasp’
March 19th Hospital patients with Coronavirus are returned to care homes in a bid to free up hospital space. What follows is a boom of virus cases in care homes.
March 20th The Government states that PPE shortage crisis is “Completely resolved” Less than two weeks later, the British Medical Association reports an acute shortage in PPE.
March 23rd UK goes into lockdown.
March 26th Boris Johnson is accused of putting ‘Brexit over Breathing’ by not joining EU ventilator scheme. The government then state they had not joined the scheme because they had ‘missed the email’
April 1st The Evening Standard publishes that just 0.17% of NHS staff have been tested for the virus.
April 3rd The UK death toll overtakes China.
April 5th 17.5 million Antibody tests, ordered by the government and described by Boris Johnson as a ‘game changer’ are found to be a failure.
April 7th Boris Johnson is moved to intensive care with Coronavirus.
April 16th Flights bring 15,000 people a day into the UK – without virus testing.
April 17th Health Secretary Matt Hancock says “I would love to be able to wave a magic wand and have PPE fall from the sky.” The UK has now missed four opportunities to join the EU’s PPE scheme.
April 21st The Government fails to reach its target of face masks for the NHS, as it is revealed manufactures offers of help were met with silence. Instead millions of pieces of PPE are being shipped from the UK to Europe.
April 23rd – 24th Government announces testing kits for 10 million key workers. Orders run out within minutes as only 5,000 are made available.
April 25th UK death toll from Coronavirus overtakes that of The Blitz.
April 30th Boris Johnson announces the UK has succeeded in avoiding a tragedy that had engulfed other parts of the world – At this point, The UK has the 3rd highest death toll in the world.
May 1st The Government announces it has reached its target of 100,000 tests – They haven’t conducted the tests, but posted the testing kits.
May 4th The number of NHS staff that have died from Coronavirus overtakes the number of British Military personnel that died during the Iraq War.
May 5th The UK death toll becomes the highest in Europe.
May 6th Boris Johnson announces the UK could start to lift lockdown restrictions by next week.


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #10 on: 10 May, 2020, 02:39:58 pm »
So sorry to see that PAULT.  I have posted previously that it is unlikely we will know the true tally until some time way in the future as those figures will be locked away in a vault until they can be released under the Information of Freedom Act.  It will not be in my lifetime...

My Mother's youngest sister died in the flu Pandemic in 1918/19.  It was believed her father brought it home with him from the Trenches in Normandy as so many soldiers did.  So many died at that time before a vaccine was developed.  There will be one for Covid-19 at some stage in the future...

Just read your latest post PAULT.  I am staggered that BJ is possibly going to lift the restrictions in place with his ridiculous new phrase to stay alert - whatever that means....


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #11 on: 10 May, 2020, 04:43:17 pm »
The Tory press are constantly telling people the country is a war with the virus.
That being the case should the current incumbents of office be charged with war crimes for the way they have allowed the deaths to occur


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Re: Bonkers Britain
« Reply #12 on: 10 May, 2020, 05:58:12 pm »
I totally agree Paul.  My condolences on the death of your cousin

There was someone from NHS on radio today saying how many cancer screening tests are being missed and saying there will be a tsunami of cancer deaths.  I am so glad I am not in UK but worry for family and friends who are