Author Topic: vaccine and contact details  (Read 4003 times)


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vaccine and contact details
« on: 02 Mar, 2021, 04:01:58 pm »

Knowing that I have never visited the doctor in Spain I thought it best to check that they have my correct telephone number, so I visited Juan, who checked, discovered it was wrong a changed it.
The contact phone number is always at the top of any document from the doctor, but worth checking.
At the same time I got an appointment for my first ever blood test.
Not looking forward having my blood taken out (but at least it will not be an arm full!)

The doctor is saying that we could get an appointment for vaccine in the next 2 weeks.
In my opinion it will be at least 6 weeks.

In Spain 1,261,848 people have received 2 doses, and 1,305,769 have received one dose.
This is a total of 5.5% of the population having received at least one dose.
If they had followed the UK and only delivered one dose now, and the rest in 3 months, the percentage would have been 8.3% of the population.
In the next 3 months of course this will average out.

In Andalucia they have administered 769,899 doses of the 842,600 received.

The Spanish Government is still estimating that 70% of the population will get vaccinated by the summer.
However based on the current slow supply Andalucia is estimating it will only reach 40%.
They are demanding more vaccines, but it depends on how quickly the manufacturers can deliver.
Astra Zeneca was supposed to deliver 160,000 to Andalucia last week, but only half arrived.

They have stated that we will be able to download the QR code on the mobile app which will show whether you have received the vaccine.
This is not yet operating.

Andalucia is estimating that mass vaccinations will be carried out in April/May.
They have arranged 747 large vaccination centres in sports centres etc, and there are 14,000 trained professionals available.
In rural villages they will be using the mobile units.

What is not clear is how the vaccination programme will distinguish between Pfizer /Moderna and Astra Zeneca (which they are currently using as a one dose for teachers, police, and non front line health workers).

I suppose it all depends on what they get and when.

Next Thursday they are expecting to receive approval of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which is a one dose system.
Spain will receive 40 million, but no-one knows how quickly, The promise is the full supply by the end of the year (by which time we will have more than we can use).

Despite the slow delivery of vaccines the infection rate is falling quickly.
The crucial figure is 250 per 100,000.
Curerntly Zurgena has 203, Albox 17, Arboleas 22.

The Health Officials have always said that 50 is the point at which the virus is under control.

So good news but we wait to see how quickly the vaccines arrive, and whether we get a late spike.

But I still cannot understand why Spain has shops and bars open, albeit with provincial border closures, when the UK is still in total lockdown having vaccinated around 30% of the population.