Author Topic: Summer water supplies in the Valley  (Read 6417 times)


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Summer water supplies in the Valley
« on: 26 Jun, 2019, 09:32:33 pm »
"We came out with better news than we had expected, since they assured us that we will be able to survive with irrigation until the end of September and the transfer from the Negratín will not be closed as they had planned for the month of August."

In this statement, the president of the Junta Central de Usuarios de Aguas del valle del Almanzora, Javier Serrano, has expressed himself after the meeting held this Tuesday in Madrid with the heads of the Follow-up Commission for the Negratín-Almanzora transfer, including the deputy general manager of the General Directorate of Water of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, the president of the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation and the technical director and those responsible for Feragua and other members of the Monitoring Committee.

Serrano assured that "we were facing a very complicated situation. It has been necessary to make a series of adjustments with the contracts of cession that we had and at least we will be able to provide water until that date." On the part of the irrigators of Almanzora, the president of the Junta Central de Usuarios de Aguas del valle del Almanzora, Fernando Rubio, and Fernando Haro attended.

The president of Aguas del Almanzora explained that "it is true that things looked very bad but we have had receptivity and understanding from both the president of the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation and the general director of Water Infrastructures of the Junta de Andalucía, Sergio Arjona, who has supported our proposals, so we will have irrigation, with a certain normality and if there are no setbacks, until the end of September".

Starting in September "if it does not rain we will take it worse, there is some issue that we had pending as well as the use of the leftovers from the Carboneras desalination plant where we have been given the commitment that it will be authorized in the coming days, so from September there may be some leftovers that could be used for irrigation, "Javier Serrano detailed, adding that "if it rains before the end of September, we will return to normal."

Javier Serrano has also mentioned that after that meeting they have had a meeting with the president of Acuamed to discuss the issues related to the desalination plants of Carboneras and Villaricos.

"We are going to follow up on responsibilities with the desalination plant in Villaricos (unused since the flood of 2012) and we will indicate who is delayed because we have to know in which administration the breakdown is being generated and put into operation." As he pointed out, "they tell us that they are about to finish the files but the horizon is not at all close", Javier Serrano concluded.


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Re: Summer water supplies in the Valley
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jun, 2019, 11:25:18 am »
Saw this online.  I did wonder where all the water came from.  There is a water channel near our hose that hadn't had water in it, except rainfall, for 15 years and it was running full pelt on Monday.  It appeared to fall down a shaft just before the old railway bridge and building.  No idea where it went from there.  They are planting and irrigating all over the valley


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Re: Summer water supplies in the Valley
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jun, 2019, 03:05:36 pm »
My understanding for Somontiin is that there is a large supply from under the village, which is pumped up via electric and managed by Galasa, to whom we pay the bill.  The only time we have cuts is when a hole appears in one of the ancient pipes.  Water to houses is the same as runs down in the water channels or that was what I have been told.