Author Topic: Phase 2 of Lockdown  (Read 3906 times)


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Phase 2 of Lockdown
« on: 23 May, 2020, 01:15:49 pm »
The long-awaited phase change in the province of Almería is already a reality after the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, confirmed this Friday that it is among the Spanish provinces that change to phase 2 of the de-escalation.

The people of Almería have become accustomed to almost two months of hard confinement and now it is convenient to know what will happen in Almería when phase 2 arrives, which will be next Monday, May 25

Here is everything that will be allowed and what will continue to be restricted in phase 2 in 7 sections: social, commerce, hospitality, beaches, culture, sport and education.

People gatherings and celebrations
  • The number of people who can meet in the same space or when walking or playing sports increases from 10 to 15.
  • Weddings can be held, although with a limited number of attendees, which will be 100 outdoors and 50 people in closed spaces
  • Wakes are allowed for a less limited number of family members (15 people in closed spaces; 25 in open spaces)
  • Participation in the burial or farewell for cremation is restricted to a maximum of 25 people, including family members, relatives and officiant
  • Visits by a family member to people with disabilities are allowed.
  • The walks and departures are free except for the time slot between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm and between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm, which is reserved for those over 70 years of age.
  • Opening of places of worship with a limited capacity of 50%, which until now was 33%.

Bars, restaurants and hotels
  • It is allowed to open the interior of the premises with an occupancy of 40% and guarantees of separation and hygiene for both clients and hoteliers.
  • Only table service is allowed, there is no bar. Not allowed in nightclubs and bars. Consumption only seated or to take away, preferably with reservation.
  • Opening of common areas in hotels limited to one third of the capacity.

Beaches and pools
  • It is allowed to go to beaches, in conditions of safety and distance
  • On the beaches, individually developed sports activities are allowed without physical contact
  • Active and nature tourism for larger groups of people
  • Recreational pools: They can be opened limiting the capacity to 33%. Minimum distance of two meters. Attendance is arranged by appointment and shift schedules.
You will need to check these individually if you are thinking of going. Some Town Halls are saying their area is closed because of the expense of disinfecting the sand / municipal outdoor pools etc. and they are awaiting full and clear guidelines as to the new regulations.

The mayor of Pulpí, Juan Pedro García (PP) has already announced that it would be "difficult" to open the beaches for recreational use - sunbathing or enjoying a swim - under phase 2, while in Carboneras they have decided, like Níjar, that they will not allow bathing until the Junta sends "precise instructions regarding the hygienic-sanitary regulations that must be met, for example, in the treatment of the sand".
Mojácar, meanwhile, is waiting for the official publication of the norms common to all coastal municipalities to determine what to do with bathers despite the fact that the beaches "are already ready, clean and in order."
The mayor of Cuevas del Almanzora, Antonio Fernández (PSOE), has said that in his town there will be no restrictions to enjoy its 16 kilometers of beaches as of Monday and for her part, the Mayor of Garrucha, María López (PSOE), has assured that bathing is not planned until at least June 10.

The seven municipalities that make up the Bajo Andarax region will not open their municipal swimming pools this summer as a consequence of the covid-19 health crisis; a decision taken jointly by the councils of Huércal de Almería, Benahadux, Viator, Pechina, Rioja, Gádor and Santa Fe de Mondújar in a meeting held this Friday electronically.
The association reported that the decision not to open their municipal swimming pools during the summer months is mainly due to the fact that they cannot guarantee the health of users due to restrictions on capacity, limited to 30 percent, and the "complexity" in order to comply with the established security and disinfection measures.
In this sense, they have had an impact on the laboriousness of disinfecting the floor every time you enter and leave the pool or maintain the interpersonal distances, which means that you cannot have the maximum guarantees that prevent possible contagions of the illness.

  • Opening of shopping malls to the public, prohibiting their stay in common areas or recreational areas and maintaining at all times the security distance between customers of at least two meters.
  • Preferential hours for people 65 years of age or older.
  • Capacity limited to 40%
  • Security personnel will ensure that the minimum distance of two meters is respected and avoid the formation of large groups
  • The number of stalls in street markets is increased to 33% (these return to the capital on June 1)

Culture and entertainment
  • They can open the cinemas, theaters and auditoriums with preassigned seats and a capacity of 33%
  • You can visit monuments and exhibition halls with a third of their capacity- Cultural shows of less than 50 people indoors. If it is outdoors, with less than 400 people and always seated
  • Opening to the public of Science and Technology Museums and Science Houses

  • Basic training in federated non-professional leagues
  • Total training in professional leagues
  • Reopening of professional championships with matches behind closed doors or with limited capacity
  • Non-professional outdoor sports activities with limited capacity
  • Sports facilities in closed spaces without public for sports without contact
  • Hunting and sport fishing allowed

  • Reinforcement activities may be held in educational centers for families who so wish.
  • Children under the age of six can go to schools if both parents work.
  • There will be voluntary classes for students in the 4th ESO and 2nd Baccalaureate courses, these facing selectivity.
  • Opening of training centers (driving schools, academies)

« Last Edit: 23 May, 2020, 01:30:53 pm by Drax »