Author Topic: ARBOLEAS URBAN UPDATE  (Read 6332 times)


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« on: 12 Jul, 2023, 04:13:16 pm »

The new administration is working to sort out the mess they have inherited from the previous Mayor.
I am in regular contact with the Town Hall.
It is complicated and will take some time.

Contrary to what we were repeatedly told by the previous Mayor, every Innovation 14 house in Arboleas is LEGAL.
The only issue is whether the owners have segregated their land and registered an escritura in their name.
This is the only secure way of registering ownership.

Many have already done so using an AFO Certificate.
Some people had been deterred from doing so, waiting on false promises by the previous Mayor.

The situation is clear.
The only way you will obtain an escritura is through the AFO route.
If you have not already done so the strong advice is that you should.
If you require any help please contact me on

The only exception to the AFO advice is the 30 Graysan houses in Los Requenas.
This is because the previous administration approved a Parcelisation Project without first checking that it is correct.
The result is that the Property Registrar has refused to approve it.
But while the project is registered by the Town Hall AFO Certificates cannot be issued.
This is a legal planning mess the new administration has inherited, and which they are trying to fined a best solution to.


I personally find it ironic that the ex Mayor has stated that he will be setting up an advice office to help people with planning issues and to help people challenge the new administration.
Perhaps the first question he should answer is why he has left Arboleas in a planning mess when in all other towns it was sorted years ago.


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« Reply #1 on: 14 Jul, 2023, 05:22:10 pm »
If you are unsure, I suggest independent advice and you can get no better than Amanda Oakley at ALO Services