Author Topic: Gordon Condrey  (Read 14023 times)


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #15 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 09:02:57 am »
In all honesty he was only doing what many others were at that time.  It was the way things had been done since time immemorial.
I bought my house, it was 15 years old, in 2004.  I have an escritura, signed by all including the Notary.  However, it is illegal as it should not have been built on unsegregated land.  All those responsible could not understand why I was annoyed.  I am still trying to get it made legal.  :huh:
« Last Edit: 27 Jul, 2019, 01:29:50 pm by frankie »

Clare Shirley

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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #16 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 10:30:44 am »
John you must be one of the few people he didnt con or lose the paperwork

A friend dad had a property with his second wife, they have both died, the daughters one from side, went to sell the house no paperwork. The house was fully furnished with expensive furniture and white goods and was sold as such the only person who had keys was Gordon

the new buyers arrived at the house and its empty no sign of break in, no damage,. Gordon not answering to any calls, but when they did get a hold of him he said must have been squatters


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #17 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 10:33:00 am »
Yes Frankie but giving him this award just rubs salt in the wounds .
Yours and hundreds of others. And I have met this "  likeable  rascal " John and I  also know  many cheated homeowners in Los Menchones who having been cheated by him now have to watch him lording it around Mora Oil and other places whilst he wants thousands more to  ( help ) them get what thay paid him in full for already. Nice man indeed John.
Maura Hillen has worked for years to save houses from being demolished and was and still is successful in halting many demolitions
Caused by bent property developers and agents and Crooked Mayors
But she was not nominated by our Mayor for this award. Why. ???
Because she opposes what these crooks gave been doing for years. !!
Its like giving an award  to the Great Train Robbers.
Thats my view on this award which is very muted and polite compared to the views  on this likeable rascals award on the other forum.
Things must be quiet on Knowalls other  forum to be  backing his pal on this and the blue the  forum especially as he hasnt seen his pal for years.  !!  Yeah right.
Have a nice weekend all.
« Last Edit: 27 Jul, 2019, 10:53:12 am by Raymondo »


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #18 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 10:46:48 am »
Clare, it wasn't just Gordon "losing paperwork". When I was researching getting the original plans and Architect's approval end of works certificate for a different house. The Albox architect, who had filed all their previous archives in Almería - told me that the whole lot had been destroyed in a fire some years previous to my request.
This was work relating to scores of new houses in the Almanzora valley.
I suspect that there was a lot of evidence in those files to convict people of dirty dealings and the fire was a very convenient way out.
You've probably heard about this, as I know you have helped a lot of people with interpreting.


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #19 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 01:01:14 pm »
Knowall, it doesn't matter who else 'lost paperwork', the fact here is you admit GC lost paperwork.
I know of a street full of people who would to see him brought to justice, unfortunately this award is like him giving them the two fingers.


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #20 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 05:41:02 pm »
I knew some of the "likeable rascals" in the early 2000's but in the Cantoria and Albox area's and they were very likeable until you queried or disagreed with their methods or dealings in the property market. That was when the "likeable rascals" turned into "swindling, crooked mean bastards" who didn't care what damage or injury they caused to people and their lives. So f**k the "likeable rascals" as I prefer being a boring old honest whinger.  :huh:


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #21 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 06:33:56 pm »
Gordon always used to say the biggest troublemakers were the ones who owed him money.


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #22 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 06:39:00 pm »
Are you serious???


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #23 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 06:45:06 pm »
Im beginning to think Knowall John that you are The likeable rascal incognito.
You have been peddling this lovely Gordon nonsense on all Forums  and I cant see any other reason why you would stand up for someone with his well known chequered  and not so nice background.
Have to agree 100% with Jimmymac
By the way Knowall John  your last post speaks for itself and for you.
Cant imagine who owes crafty Gordon money as he has bled his lnnocent customers dry at this stage.
Anyway i am on the Guinness and the Craic here for a few more weeks. Slan .


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #24 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 07:52:58 pm »
Im beginning to think Knowall John that you are The likeable rascal incognito.
Anyway i am on the Guinness
nuff said


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #25 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 07:59:22 pm »
Im beginning to think Knowall John that you are The likeable rascal incognito.
You have been peddling this lovely Gordon nonsense on all Forums  and I cant see any other reason why you would stand up for someone with his well known chequered  and not so nice background.
Have to agree 100% with Jimmymac
By the way Knowall John  your last post speaks for itself and for you.
Cant imagine who owes crafty Gordon money as he has bled his lnnocent customers dry at this stage.
Anyway i am on the Guinness and the Craic here for a few more weeks. Stan .
You're a religious Catholic aren't you Raymondo?
Have you read Proverbs 20 verse 1?
Best wishes to Stan.  :hi:


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #26 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 09:29:16 pm »
Yes Knowall , I am indeed a catholic whatever thats got to do with anything .??  Weird , really weird post.
Obviously if you cant have a civilized discussion you resort to personal insults and comments on my religion.
You are one weird individual Knowall John. Well named.
As for Drax , well  there is not much craic (. Or fun. ) In your life.
Try a drop iof Guinness sometimes , it might make you a happier person.
well maybe not. !!!
I will now leave you to it  as this thread is getting a bit too weird for me.
Have to be up early for mass . Buenas Noches.
« Last Edit: 27 Jul, 2019, 09:33:05 pm by Raymondo »


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #27 on: 27 Jul, 2019, 10:32:48 pm »

Obviously if you cant have a civilized discussion you resort to personal insults and comments on my religion.
It certainly was not meant to be a personal insult. But I consider being accused of impersonating someone else a personal attack.
I'll forgive that though, as you say you have been drinking.
¡Buenos noches!


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #28 on: 28 Jul, 2019, 09:14:24 am »
What a condescending post !!!!!!


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Re: Gordon Condrey
« Reply #29 on: 28 Jul, 2019, 10:27:29 am »
Time to get the friendly back h to this forum.