Author Topic: Economic Vandalism  (Read 4307 times)


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Economic Vandalism
« on: 08 Aug, 2019, 05:54:32 pm »
A perfect description of the way certain political figures are treating the UK economy in their quest for leaving the EU. All this rubbish being spouted about a No Deal exit having odds of a million to one are part of the master plan to blame the EU for the mess hitting the fan when a no deal actually happens.
We all know this but with the pound standing at 1.08 against the euro today due to the odds currently quoted by the markets at 40% chance of a no deal happening, think what the pound will be if it does happen.


Thanks Boris and cronies.  :angry:


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Re: Economic Vandalism
« Reply #1 on: 08 Aug, 2019, 06:08:53 pm »
Actually, you can blame ALL the MPs who voted in February 2017 to invoke Article 50 by a majority of 498/114.
Because of the wording of that Article 50 it is clear that if no withdrawal agreement can be agreed, that we leave without one. However it is possible that the MPs did not know what they were voting for, as many have accused the electorate of the same ignorance.


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Re: Economic Vandalism
« Reply #2 on: 08 Aug, 2019, 07:09:57 pm »
So true Knowall. I did mention Boris may have his majority cut to one or two after the Lib Dems win the UK by-elections, possible vote of no confidence, general election then the Lib Dems win ! Only one permutation of course in this roller coaster ride of political poker he seems to be playing. Will the Queen herself step in with a Royal flush ? It has been 300 years since any monarch has done so, so maybe we can rule that one out for now. Yes, Jimmy 40% odds of a no deal does not sit well !

DonĀ“t worry Boris may just surprise us all ?


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Re: Economic Vandalism
« Reply #3 on: 09 Aug, 2019, 12:50:05 pm »
40% chance?  Surely not.  I would have put it at 75% at least.  With Parliament shut down for the holiday there will only be about 3, maybe 4 weeks, to persuade the EU to step down from their current position of refusing to budge from the plan put by May, which they agreed to. 
Maybe I am being too pessimistic  but I do think there will be another recession with the pound dropping to an all time low. :sad: